hey ppl!
went out with jon, zw zm and cq todae. met jon first then went to school there to play bball. then wait till everyone got there, then we started playing. then we proceeded to Plaza Sing there to watch movie. so we went to cathay to watch BedTime Stories. Haha, it was super funny la. The rat was super cute la!!! XD with that big eyes! aiyo, there were too many ppl, so we ended up sitting at the front row >< haiz.. But the movie was very nice!!!! very funny, kept laughing throughout..
then we went to long john silver to eat/"talk cock" quite an interesting sharing we did... then went home lo.. Holidays are ending ><
signing off...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Todae! Ex-2K!
At first, i went to jon's house, wanted to persuade him to go to the outing with 2K'07. So it took me quite a while be4 he agreed... :) then we took the bus to downtown east there to meet up with the rest. Sadded only 10 ppl turn up for this outing >< So we slack at the kopitiam, be4 going to the cinema to watch IP Man... quite nice la, Xd lots fo kung fu stunts, and they were damn cool la, XD haiz, wish i knew kung-fu too! :p then after that it was like 10pm already, so we went home lo, coz my house at pasir ris mah, so i waited with jon and zw, till their bus came, then i walk home lo (nid exercise!) :)
another day gone ><
signing off....
haha, went out yesterday with sherm, zw, jon and cq to cycle. Went to ECP macs there to meet with them. So we ate breakfast at there lo, then after that proceeded to borrow bike. wa damn ex abt $3 per hr (and we cycle for 6hrs) so thats like $18 ><
We cycle for 30km! Xd It was tiring but super fun! we cycle all the way to changi village to eat the chicken rice XD Haha, but during the ride, cq was lagging behind most of the time =X so we had to wait for him coz i think he has leg cramps.. Its been so long since i cycle. The feeling is juz so good! as free as a bird!! :P really enjoyed it! when will we have another cycling session? (:
then after cycling we camp at macs there to talk cock. Quite funny lo, mass niao-ing cq, coz zw jon and me were like niao-ing cq only sherm so good nvr niao.. :P after that we went to paya lebar while cq had to cycle home.
Had somemore sharing session lo, then sherm went home le, coz i think she going her grandpa hse ba. then zw, jon and me went to Singapore Post centre to eat KFC for dinner, as we were not that hungry, so we share lots of interesting stuff and talk at the same time. We ate for like almost 3hr! then went home at abt 10pm XD
It was so fun la, sad, it ended so fast ><
signing off...
Friday, December 26, 2008
todae went out with jon, zhengyi and hazel. we went "shopping", coz jon was getting his christmas gift *ahem* then jon got interrogated by hazel about some stuff.. haha, quite comical la, haha, then went to walk around, then go home liao lo, haiz, another day going by again...
Holidays are going to end soon >< darn! haiz, back to reality ba... anyway had some fun todae, well...
signing off...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas ppl!!~ lala
haha, well, went to play bball with zw, jon zm and cq lo... (yes i noe, AGAIn) quite fun la, ocnsidering that there was completely no one there.... oh yea, went to bedok there to play. then went up to cq's house to slack, we play truth or dare, while cq was playing dota... well basically everyone chose truth.. so yea, it should have been truth or truth. (: then share lots of stuff.. XD then went "shopping" at TM. then went home lo
BTW, thanks Shushan!
signing off...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I will nvr know if i nvr try, i'll nvr give up till i 'cry', i will fight for it no matter what. A little sacrifice ain't nothing much. I'll never admit defeat till you tell me to. Whatever the result, i wont cry, i'll juz fade away quietly.. at least i know, i have already given everything i got...
Monday, December 22, 2008
well, went out with my ex-primary school friends. haha, well, they all said i changed quite alot, which is i grew taller! coz last time i was quite short, shorter than most of the girls >.< but now, i'm taller :) but still not tall enough i guess..
So we went to eat first lar, then went bowling. hah, quite fun lar. but most of the girls didnt play, they onli watch lo. then eugene came at around 4 which was quite late le, so in the end the girls all went home first, then the rest of us (abt 5ppl) played pool. haha, i'm not so good at it >< sadded. then we took train home... yea, guess thats abt it... haiz, hope to have another outing again, no should be chalet!
signing off...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
well, todae was quite fun. First, me, zw jon zm and cq went to sengkang there to play bball but zm was late for about 1hr ba. then me zw jon play against cq and 2 other ppl..we won! 11-2.. haha, then we (me zw jon zm and cq) went to play full court with some ppl who are older than us. So its 5v5.
Guess the score lor... damn suay, we lost to them 21-19 >.< haiz, nid to improve my bball ler! :p then play 1v1 matches against zm, zw and cq... then after that zw has to leave early becoz of his reunion dinner lor.. then we went to jon's house to play dm( quite lame rite, but nothin to do ler) then his mum so good, bought all of us dinner!! yay!!! thanks auntie! :) hah, then went home lo
signing off..
Thursday, December 18, 2008
pain but fun
hey ppl! haha, well, todae was abit the 'up' and 'down'..
well, me zw, zm, jon, cq, sherm, dx and ys were supposed to meet at Tm mrt station, well i was late.. >.< hah, then went to eat at mos burger and since jon dont feel like eating, so he met us at a later time...
So, we went to bedok there to play bball, since the court was empty most of the time and it was near cq's house.. wa, the weather there is super hot lar...i think i get 'sunburn' now ler.. >.
then went up to cq's hse to cool down, then learn a little mahjong from them lor... hah, lol, that place like quite suay liddat, zw's hand got injured, i got muscle cramp and jon got the same problem as me.... jzu that his was the right leg..
then we went to tm lor....was like damn hungry lor... >.< then jon didnt want to join us, so he went back first... then we ate dinner first lor be4 watching the movie... me zm sherm and cq went to watch "the day the earth stood still" while zw dx and ys went to watch "twilight", well it ended quite late, at abt 8 liddat ba... then after that we all went home lor..
haha, both of my legs still hurt lor....dont think i can play bball for like a few days.. >.< well anyway it was fun todae!!
signing off
Monday, December 15, 2008
yo ppl! haha, todae went out with my Slc group....a pity that some couldnt make it, well there will always be a next time mah...so it was quite fun! except the bball part lar.. (ps arh, u all like dont really feel like playing, only I lor...realy srry abt it >.<)
haha, oh yar, the ppl involve were me, kevin, issac, shushan, kristin and Janier! well....haha, we ate at tm first then talk talk talk...niao each other...then they came to my house lor...then they were like teasing me when i was young coz my photos when i was young was there mah....hah...then we ewnt to play bball lor... >.< haha next time no bball ler promise! next time juz go out lor, i think you all organise lar...let me rest ba.. hah anyway it was fun!!
signing off...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hey ppl! went out with zw, jon cq sherm and 2 of her friends.
Well, we went to eat lunch first (of coz lar, if not no energy de lor), at first so awkward lar....like nvr talk to each other de....then zw keep on like want to urge us to talk to them....so it was like we were like 2 separate group instead of a 'gang' ..
then badminton time! Zw book 1 court but luckily the other court were empty so we used up 2 courts instead...haha, well we played together, like got to 'noe' each other...so it isn't that awkward ler....play play play...from 1 to 6...wa..then in btw, zw me and jon went to play bball...for a while nia..then the guy who lent us the ball sae he wanted to play alone..quite selfish lor...bball mah, muz play as a group more fun mah..
the best part of the badminton was like the 3 v3, jon, me and sherm vs zw cq and another of sherm's friends...(srry arh...i dont really noe yr names) and thank you (I thinkthe name is joyce ba) joyce for lending me yr racket and ps hor, still like nvr take care properly liddat....actually i no racket de..is jon lend me de coz he got 2..then zw play so meng until his racket spoil ler...so no choice lend him that spare de...
The badminton game at the last hour was damn funny arh..i keep on laughing until cannot play properly lor...hah...i think this is my longest post for 1 day 'outing' coz my other post quite short mah.....so went home with jon lor....chat abt somethings.....well, very hungry now..still waiting for my mum to "ta bao" back food for me lor... >.< and my legs like damn tired lar......
well signing off...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
wa...todae went out with the usual 'gang', zw, jon,zm and cq.....first we met at Bedok mrt lor....then eat at KFC, then went to play bball....haha, after that slack for a while at cq's hse...wa, damn hot lor todae...then we went TM to watch the movie "Bolt", haha not bad lar, the movie....
Well, niao-ing sessions still continues and i guess it wont stop rite??
Anyway, Jon and Zw, thanks for giving me presents for my birthday!!!
Actually its my father's birthday, and i bought him chocolates....i think its his favorites ba...well, All i can sae is Happy birthday Dad~!
Friday, December 5, 2008
well, the holidays are passing too soon...its already 5th december ler....Wat have I done during the past 1 month plus..well, playing the com, watching taiwan dramas reading books etc...damn sian now, school going to start soon ler... >.<
Damn tired now, juz now went to play bball with my cousin until 7.50pm.....tired and hungry now... >.< Anyone want to go out?? or play bball tell me hor...
signing off....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wa finally went out with my friends todae lor!!! coz zw, he come back from beijing ler ma....then I, zm, zw and cq went to Yishun there to play bball and watch movie...So far away from my house lor...next time muz set a place which is closer to my house ler..we play with other ppl, 4v4 , 7 balls, we won.. 7-3! hah....
then went to watch berverly hills chihuahua...hah, ok lar...but the dog quite cute leh...haa....
well anyway, todae was fun! get to niao and chatting....well, hope to go out soon!
signing off...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Oh well, going to blog abt wat i have been doing for the past few days... well basically, reading books and yea, playing the com( of course lar) :P
And yesterday went to suntec with my family...went there becoz of the book fest....yea, and guess wat i saw..well below it was the A.F.A (Anime festival asia) haha, lots of Japanese ppl were dressed up as anime character.... a lot of ppl there lor.... but hor, i dont noe most of the characters leh....
i really wanna go out with ppl.....going out with friends to view such an exhibition would be fun rite? oh well....back to life...
signing off...
Monday, November 17, 2008
After they left, the house stood still...
Not a single sound could be heard...
wondering when will i see them again,
they left, leaving memories behind..
"memories of nobody"
but at least i know,
they will stay in my mind for a long long time
Kliven Tan
haha, juz random crapping....feeling abit bored now leh...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Todae is a special day isn't it? 11/11/2008? There are four '1's..
Also quite tiring leh..went to the Science centre the whole day, 'babysitting my 2 younger cousins'..then at nite went to marche at vivocity there to eat..well, it was super nice lar.. :P
Thank you to those who wish me happy birthday!
signing off..
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Back from Japan!
Yo everyone! So sian now lor....starting to miss Japan, the weather and everyone there. Really wanna go japan again! spent alot there lor... managed to meet up with 'old friends' and make new ones too...hah, didnt expect to see liqin there but oh well...
Day: Saturday nite!
-went to the airport to eat dinner lor..then at 9.30pm meet Ms ting and the rest lor...
-then checked in, realised that it was too early , so we can 'explore' the airport on our own, so went to drink coffee with my family lor..had to wait till 11pm leh..1hr ++
-And soon, it was 11pm ler....muz go in liao... >.< 好舍不得我的家人呀!
-went into the aeroplane, so squeezy lor! Too small liao lar, but too bad, we can only sit economy class mah..not that rich lor..The flight is like 6-7hrs long... >.< very hard to sleep lor... is like sleep ler, then wake up, then sleep again, then wake up...
Day: Sunday!
u noe they actually served breakfast at 4.50am Singapore time/ 5.50am Japan time! was like so tired lor... zzz
-Finally we reached Japan: Kansai international airport, wow, the weather is so cold lar..but so shuang! then took a 2hr bus ride to Ritsumeikan High Schoool. I slept for like 1hr 40 mins liddat...then stone for 20 mins trying to sleep again...
-Wow Ritsumeikan University is like so big and beautiful! toured around the school! wa the weather is so much better then Singapore lar! went into their com lab, and watched Hot Shot. Been having lots of Fun! Ate dinner and went to our Hotel Asahi.
-The hotel so small lor...like abt 6m by 3.5 m nia...I shared room with Glen lor...Toliet leh so small...can touch 1 end to the other end juz by raising my arms lor...then went shopping lor, muz exercise mah. then Marcus they all came to our room to play cards till 12++ then sleep..
Overall todae quite slack lar....
Day: Monday
-Woke up at like 7am liddat. (btw all the time stated here is according to japan time)
-then went don to eat breakfast lor...bread again...sianz diao...
-the hotel like so small and ulu lor...but the weather is nice!
-Went to the university again, had the opening ceremony...quite nice lar. the emcee quite quite ok lar..but ortus nite emcee better! (me mah) hah, jkjk then attended our respective Science zone lecture....i attended the energy zone...damn boring at first lor...nearly sleep.. zzz
-had dinner party quite nice lar...food is fantastic! got some entertainment as well and chatted with Ms ting they all lor..quite interesting... (Shall not reveal any contents)
-then return to the hotel to changed and went shopping! then play cards till 1am... basically before we sleep , we will play cards lor..play bridge! then Yi Teng keep calling himself professional bridge player...who only wins 1 set out of 3 sets lar...even pros win at least 2 out of 3 rite...haha, in the end i keep on niao him lor...
Day: Tuesday
-woke up at 7.15.. so tired >.< went to bath and eat breakfast lor...weather getting colder day by day..
-reah the school and listen to some science project presentation...our school owns lar..thats when i sae liqin lor..abit stunned lor...
-wa the presentation quite boring too.. >.<
-Lunch got to know some more japanese friends..hah, let them play my psp , i so kind rite? hah then 1 of them wanted to take pics with me (shall not sae who) then of course i agree lar.. :P
-then attended the science world..mine is about dark matter..aiyo super sian lar..zzz...realised that about half the class were sleeping...Time seem to stop moving.... ZZZ...
-then went to science zone again..this time more fun lar..my group successfully built 1 solar boat lor..my teammates were nice lar...then got this japanese girl, who was older then me, abt 17 ba, keep on teasing me de lor... coz i already make up the shape of the boat ler, then was slacking..hah, then she like come over and say i so lazzy lor...hah, she also mah, slacking with me too lor.. Glen was not in my group...he was in like 1 group after me... >.< then took some group photos and individual ones as well...had lots of un there...and i did 1 gentlemanly act u noe! (wanna noe ask me on msn)
-Time past so fast...eat dinner liao, then went to shopping again! basically thats the routine...then eat Ramen, wa, it was fantastic! then went back to hotel so play cards then sleep..
Day: Wednesday- Saturday
-didnt really record down the exact details but most are the same like shopping play cards etc..
-Our buddies were really friendly and nice! Kawaii!
-Shall talk abt some funny and interesting things..
-I copied zhou jie lun...haha, marcus went to videotape it..had all of them saw it and was like laughing lar...hah
-New friendship were made
-oh ya...Japan is super clean lar..no dustbin but still super clean! things there so expensive as well..
-Wednesday was basically attending the science zone and science world...very fun! one of it was about robots and they are so Kawaii! took lots of pics....
-thurday was like shopping, visiting temples and went for industrial tours.. spent lots of money lar.... then at nite went to this big shopping street which is as big as our orchid road...shop alot!
-friday went to Ritsumeikan high school (their secondary school) quite nice as well...marcus zk me and glen weere like slacking and playing bridge there...time seem to past so fast.. >.<
-then on saturday, it was time to go home..i wanna cry...going to miss all of them! I watched like 2.5 movies...imagine the duration! and finally reached Singapore..so tired but happy!
Really miss all of them now...Japan! i wanna go japan again! Syu(new friends), Akemi(buddy), Haruka Sone(buddy), Daisuke(old friends), haruka(old friends) Saho (old friends) and Ai(new friends), really gonna miss u all!
going to past the pics another day...so yea...bye!
signing off....
Friday, October 24, 2008
Haha, Shall take advice from my friends, that is to update my blog!
So these 3 days, was EOYAs quite "fruitful" except todae! Went to play bowling as my EOY activity... but hor todae on the bus damn sian leh..tio niao by shaun they all lar....and the shocking part is that even Ms Sandra Tan sort of join in and niao me lor.. >.< but at least she didnt niao me that much as shaun did...shaun is like another cw liao lar....
anyway bowling was quite fun...scored 67 pts in the first round and 88 pts in the 2nd round..i aint that good in bowling rite? then got back results todae... >.< msg=1.78 damn sad lar.....jonathan pwn me by juz 1 grade...so sad lor....aiyo, but i did tried my best ler....
anyway, i wont be online or updating my blog next week coz i will be in Japan! for an exchange program!
And yea thank you to those who help me "revive" my tagboard again!
So exciting and nervous now...nvr been to Japan before, yay, and i can take the plane! haha....well see ya..will post abt wat happen in Japan when i come back..
signing off...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Yesterday's fun outing!
Went out with Zhen Wei, Jonathan, Zhi Ming, Chunqi, Shaun, Yuanfeng, Du Xuan, Shermaine and Yun Shu yesterday (10 ppl altogether leh) i had tuition in the morning so join them later at around 12 lor..all of them were ice skating at that point except for jon and zm, so we( jon, zm and I) went to play arcade lor....then wait for them to finish ice skating....then we went to eat lor....then cq and zm and shaun damn sick...keep on commenting abt cq's food....then went to watch "Max Payne"..quite nice lar, juz that the story line quite confusing at times....then cq was like damn gay.....then after the movie we all went home lor...It was quite fun..
My tagboard is so dead liao lar... >.<
Anyway, Happy Birthday ZW!
Signing off..
Friday, October 17, 2008
To sum up the past 3 days was basketball over and over again...
On wednesday,
Attended some talk on preventing injuries....as it was the start of Festival of Sports and Health (FOSH) so well, looking forward to it...actually wanted to play bball de...then leh, it was supposed to be ortus v.s ispark, but ispark no team, so it was a walkover for us.....in the end, we juz play by ourselves....
On thursday,
It was aphelion v.s ortus...haha, played only for first quarter...and a few minutes in the 3rd quater... >.< we won! i think the score was 45-30...
Welll, i was quite down on my luck today..didnt get to play against pro-ed as they were too strong ler...nid the basketball team de....but end up leh, we still lose, coz they come in too late ler...at the 3-4 quarter then come in....oh well...then leh, i sort of hurt my leg, the veins there hurt. >.<>.<>.< gotta go..
signing off..
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Yo ppl!
Shall talk abt my experience of being an emcee for ortus nite! Ortus nite was held on Friday nite (duh..) wa...at first i was damn nervous lar..went there at abt 2Pm for rehersal....during the rehersal, i screw up some parts, like forgetting wat to sae etc...but during the real event, i was like so comfortable up on tage..yay! didnt get stage fright.. :P i think ortus nite was a success! and thank you everyone who has help in one way or another! I am not sure if my skill as an emcee was good, but well, i tried my very best! haha, then went to KAP with zw they all lor...then went home...
Then on Saturday, which was yesterday, went for tuition first, then after that meet up with jon to play bball..should have come my house there to play lar...then play liao go NLB to met zm and cq...see lar, then i have to bring the bball around bugis there..... >.<, then we were like trying to wait for zw, then we went to see ppl play at the arcade there and lan lor....actually wanna mug de...then leh, they sae wat they damn tired, then no choice lor..then wait till zw come liao, then we went to eat lor....aiyo, should have met earlier de lar...but that zw went out with *someone* so end up damn late then we meet up...yea, then went home lor....
I was slaking at home todae lar..watching bleach and naruto.....so sian...bball!
signing off...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
todae was quite fun lar...went out with zm zw jon and cq to Bugis there...first we went 'shopping', then we wanted to play lan...haha, then there was this basketball machine there at the arcade and there was 1 free ball beside the machine, then i went to take it and attempted to shoot, first time, it hit the top and rebounded back to me (-.-)...then i tried, this time aiming lower, it miss.. :(, then zm told me that there was another free ball at other machine, so i tried, standing further and aiming lower, i scored XD..haha then they niao me lor..then we play lan..and i got own.. :'( so sad but zw was like helping me, teaching me to use those heroes that i dont noe how to use..haha, but i am still a noob in dota.. :'( then cq, with his goblin techies keep suiciding and killing zm hah, that was damn funny lar, zm was like where's cq arh, like damn scare liddat...hah..then went to et at kfc then went home liao lor, but i went to my aunt hse....yupp, so thats basically wat happen todae....so sian now..my blog's dead again.. sob..
signing off..
Friday, October 3, 2008
Woots! exams are over!!! Its time to have fun and be crazy!!! haha, but now i am in a dilaemia...dunnoe wat to do leh..
Before the exams, I was like hoping holidays (which is after exams) to come soon, but after exams, i seriously dunnoe wat to do...haha, shall not mug and have fun! yay and jiayou to those who are still having exams! I am sure you can do it de! :P
Time to slack..
signing off
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Late at nite
wa, its already so late ler, this has got to be my latest(literally and also "late at nite") post...so tired now...trying very hard to stay awake, all becoz of bio...have to mug....oh well, all i can look forward is after exams, which is on friday, this comin friday! Which means total 'chaos' and freedom! hah, well, I juz realise that i am the only one awake now...my parents are asleep alredy..hah, bb then shall post more after the exams....btw the higher maths todae was quite har lor..hah, hop i can get high D!
signing off...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm pissed with a certain teacher.....damn it, i am like totally innocent darn it. Who's that backstabber who accused me?! wait till i find him....
today was quite ok..except that bs which piss me off.....played bball and chapteh...oh well, that basically describes abt todae... pissed and fun? contradiction...
haha, took this from MingXuan's blog: It is abt our bio teacher...quite comical...
Mrs Goh: Hey why are you all so distracted ah? What you all looking at?
Us: Bookmarks.
Mrs Goh: From who?
Us: Mr Sng.
Mrs Goh: *picks us Zhen Wei’s bookmark* Woah so handsome.
Us: *ooh*
Mrs Goh: *picks up Kliven’s bookmark* Also so handsome
Us: LOL.
Mrs Goh: He so nice ah, make bookmarks for whole of CSE. Free of charge ah? Still got laminate. Why never make for CSE teachers?
Nigel *to (mingxuan)*: Let’s take photo of her and give Mr Sng.
(MingXuan): Lol.
The part about taking Mrs Goh’s photo is an inside joke. Cos everytime we take picture of her whiteboard workings / ppt slides, she think we take photo of her. Then she would be like, “Woah taking picture of me ah?”. All the funny convos should be noted down.
*doing stuff on DNA fingerprinting*
Mrs Goh: You know that famous basketballer (actually it’s footballer and actor- it’s OJ Simpson), who killed his wife and her friend?
Us: No? Who?
Mrs Goh: Aiya cant remember his name la. When I remember I tell you.
Nigel *whisper*: Christopher.
Mingxuan: Who’s that?
Nigel: Mrs Goh’s husband.
Mingxuan: LOL.
*aaron heard*
Mrs Goh: *stone a while* What christopher! That’s my husband!
Us: LOL.
thx mx...u cheered me quite a bit, with this.. :P
signing off...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Did a terrible mistake.regret it now, "i'm so sorry, wo bao zheng wo xia bu wei li le"....(if u really wanna noe, ask me personally(msn) lor)
Shall talk abt some thing that happen todae...had chinese current affairs todae, watch some show, so was quite slack lar...then had P.E, quite fun lar, play bball with the usual group, so i jon and junxiong v.s zm, zw and cq lor....then play chapteh during recess.. then had lessons...was trying to mug chinese during maths lesson...hah, got back my maths test. (if u want to noe results, ask me again :p) then after sch mug for a while, then play chapteh....hah, then went home lor.
P.S to cq, how abt a 1v1 bball match? if u win, i will pay u back, if not the deal is off. first to 3 wins.
try to figure it out ba....if not , i take it that u accept my challenge.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Yo ppl! been busy lately, mugging....feeling very stress leh....EOYs are comin..argh, lots of thing to do beisdes mugging, still got the ortus nite. So ortus ppl, u should look forward to it guys...
Todae went to visit the dentist with zhiming...or we were 'force' to do it..haha, it was nothing, got a bit nervous a first, dunnoe if anyone of u will feel that way when u visit the dentist... haa, it turned out to be fine.. :p english was slack lar...book circle..then after sch went to K.A.P to mug with them again...aiyo, this is like my 4th time eating at mcdonald within this 2 weeks...argh....shall not eat at mcdonalds for a few weeks.... :S....then zm was like a little pissed with shaun for niao-ing him..and he couldnt concentrate, so he went home earlier..i went home with jon at abt 4 lor..... off to mugging~
signing off....
Friday, September 12, 2008
Woots! yesterday had my chinese test...quite ok lar...but i took up 10-15mins of our recess time lor...coz the paper was quite long 1.5hrs but the lessons only lasted for 1hr 20min...Then after sch, we chiong to KAP to eat the wat value meal arh, only lasted from 12pm to 2pm, 2 hrs nia, we reached there at abt 1.50pm...phew, juz in time. Then eat liao, attempted to mug there....haha, mug straight for 2 hrs...damn pleased with myself for being able to concentrate that long...then went home lor..
Today was good lar, went to collect my exemption letter! yay! but quite a lot of ppl get exempted too lor... :P Then after sch went to eat, then mug with zm lor....then help to carry tables for MAF....then went back home lor...aiyo now so sian...have to start mugging ler.
signing off...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Wow....have not been blogging for how many days ler arh? Its like when u first have a blog, u will be so enthu abt posting stuff lar...but as time goes longer...u will post once in like every 3 days? Saturday was fun lar...went out with Parmenia...although it is like only me Janier, Kevin and Kristin and Dennis.....shouldnt be call a parmenia outing lor..then me janier and kevin went to watch MOney not enough 2...It was quite funny arh laugh till my stomach hurts...and very touching... :'(...yea..
So todae arh..supposed to have a hair check de...them my hair is supposed to be okok de..then my bio teacher lar....damn **********(not the actual word though juz random spammed) ask me go down to the D.M there...then end up he check my hair..then sae still ok but juz a bit bushy...i was like"...."....nothing more to sae lor... then have maths test...quite ok lar.i hope.....haha..then went to KAP to mug, then went home lor.....
signing off..
Thursday, September 4, 2008
ARGh..my ankle hurts...sprain it todae, while playing bball with some ppl...still hurts.. >.<>.<,
arh...my ankle really hurts...
signing off...
Monday, September 1, 2008
yo ppl! shall post abt yesterday and todae!
Yesterday was super tiring for me lar. went for the NU-Hope at Istana park there. arrived at 12pm..saw cx zm jon zw cq lor..then slack for 5 mins, then cx ask if i wanna go for the POC de...so long nvr go there liao...then ok lor, we walk all the way there lar..damn far leh.it is at the youth park there...i think the distance is abt 1-2km lor..then cx and I were like walking from Nu-hope to poc then vice versa again..i think abt 6-7 times...(go to POC and back is considered 2 times). I was following cx lor, then he lead us to like we were walking on the road, and there are cars zooming past u, and the distance between us and the car is abt 30CM-60CM! wa....damn scary lar... >.< after that we tried looking for shortcuts but, there are none lor, all equally long de.
Btw, do i look like a beaver? coz donnoe who, forget liao say i look like one...i was like: ok lor...call me beaver.. aiyo, i more shuai than a beaver can? (jkjk :p)
then dinner was funny lar...we ate at B.K, wa the food there so ex de....we were playing some games, to see who can make your opponent laugh first...wa lao, zm gave me that innocent look cant stand it, started laughing after 10 sec..... then eat liao went home with jon...
Todae arh..quite interesting...went Library to mug chem with jon...then we eat lunch and continue to mug again....then we were like sian diao already, so went to my house there to play bball.... we sian so play 1v1...3 balls, then after that the score was 1-0, then jon score, so it was 1-1..wa then like so long nvr score...then got 2 guys came...so play 2v2 lor....hah...we thrashed them lar..7-0... ownage lor....jon told me that i score like 4 shots, then he score 3...lol, he still got count who score how many goals... then he come my house for a while, before going back home...argh, off to mugging liao..bb
signing off...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Yo ppl! Todae had physic and bio test lar....phy was hard lor...bio was quite ok...except for the essay question. XP no hope liao... :'( it was like so stress lar.first period was physic, then followed by bio...which means 2 test in a row! without any breaks in between...after all the test, really 'song le yi kou qi'. the lessons were slack..except that there are a lot of chinese homework! >.< sianzzz...
Then after sch, play bball..still recovering, feeling much better than mon...i was sick on that day...then went for the teacher's day rehersal thing...i was like backstage and person who nids to take care of the cake...OT still nid to backstage..sianzzz, coz i not OS mah....quite slack lar..So here's wishing all teachers:
then after that rehersal, then stay back becoz of some sec 1 and 2 council elections...have to tally the results...then Mr toh treat us to some fried rice and french fries..so good! :p haha...stay back till 7.15pm then went home lor...looking forward to tmr!!!
signing off...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Last day of Hosting... :'(
This week has been the best sabbatical week ever! Thank you to those Jap students! U guys have really given me joy during this week and i look forward to seeing u guys one more time. :p
So shall post abt Friday. The Japanese student went to New water there, so they didnt go for the balloon sculpting sabbatical lor..Glen and I were like so sian there...coz they werent there...So we slack throughout that day. During recess time, the instructor wanted to play table tennis, so went along to play lor...then she damn good lar, treat everyone drinks...hah..
So after the sabbatical, it was the farewell lunch. I gave them keychains, hope that they will like it XD..they got me gifts as well! hah, so good. :p Lunch was nice! then after lunch, they went back to the boarding sch to prepare to go to orchard liao..When they left the LT3 there, to go back to their rooms, i was like quite sad....that was the last lunch with them...coz that night they will be going back to Japan. but at least i noe that i will be that at the airport later that night, to see them once more. Then got 2 ppl, Saho Fujimura and Taishi Ikejiri gave me their emails juz before they went back to their rooms...
didnt accompany them to orchard...coz i wasn't allowed to...but went to the airport! hah, i think that they were happy to see me again... XD we took more photos together! Photos are good it helps u capture that memories u dont want to forget...Really, i muz sae that i enjoyed their company. Even though it may be a short 1 week, it is like we have known each other for like years....It doesn't matter where they are, as long as we remember our friendship and the fun we had, we will not be far from each other...still can remember the got 3 girls cried...its alright, we will definitely keep in touch de! And i am sure we wont forget anyone...this happy memories will be kept in all of our hearts forever! "Dont be sad that its over, be happy that it happened!"
i wanna go to Japan!
signing off...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Japan Hosting at Chinatown
wow, todae was extremely fun lar...first was balloon sculpting, which we made "pluto" and "Doraemon" haha, very cute lor...then during recess time, we were playing chapteh, then the boys play bball...the floor was like so slippery lar...hah, good times past so fast, then it was like 1pm already, and they had to go back to their boarding sch to eat lunch...i thought Mdm Chan "ta-bao" food for us, so Glen and I went up with them...realise that she didnt, or rather she didnt noe that she was supposed to do it, but nvm, so we had to chiong down to the canteen to eat lor...eat liao then we went back to HCIBS(hci boarding sch), found out that actually got 2 girls already sitting at the chairs there waiting liao.then after that the rest came strolling in... play a little chapteh, then went on the bus to go to China Town... muz thank those 2 ppl who bought gifts for me...arigato! i will treasure them de!
First we went to the chinese temple, introduce the place and we took a feew pics together...hah, then got this guy who keep on trying to make fun of me lor...oh well.. XD..then we went to Chinatown the mrt there got shopping centers to shop lor...hah, so basically me, jon and Glen gave them 30 mins allowance to shop anywhere at the place...after 30 mins, we change to another place to shop...i didnt buy anything but they bought lots of stuff! then at 5pm liddat we had dinner togther lor...then jon and I brought the girls to shop lor...coz the girl eat finish liao, while the boys were slower, then Mr Ong ask us to bring them around lor. they bought lots of stuff!! hah good for them lor, got more memories of Singapore to bring back mah..... :p then after all that shopping we took a group photo together.. XD..having a camera is good lor, it captures all the memories u wanna keep 'forever' (i am juz exaggerating XD) then it was time for them to return i didnt follow, went home by mrt lor...the day ended so fast lor...but i am sure our friendship will last a lifetime.. =X. :p
signing off..
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Into the third day of hosting...didnt noe that hosting could be so fun...especially with ppl who share the same hobbies with u...at least some of them were quite sporty..abt all the guys play bball, and 2 girls play bball too! haha, todae, jon and i got to "show off" our teamwork...hah. i think that our teamwork in bball owns lar. marcus join the jap team, so it was 4vs 2. haha even though i was with jon only, but i think we won, didnt we? hah, damn cool. went to the boarding sch to eat with them, realise that the view at the boarding sch was so nice!!! hah, looking forward to tmr....bball again! XD..
yea..parmenia ppl, r u all free on 31st August? If u are reading this, pls tell me hor...coz Shu Shan really want to go out with us again! tyty
signing off..
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hosting fun!
wow...today was the first day of sabbaticals....balloon sculpting. Remember, i was complaining abt it..i should take that back..it turn out to be quite fun..haha, now i can make a dog even if i have to close my eyes.. the Japanese students were quite friendly and fun to be with. realise that i am not so good with balloons afterall...but girls are good in it, i muz say.
Then played bball with them..quite fun...then back to balloon sculpting. After that was buffet lunch at SIM..food not bad sia..hah. then it was the HP ppl presenting abt some powerpoint...then school tour, while me, jon and glen set up the room for ice breakers...the games was quite fun lar..we played "blow wind blow" and "murderer winks" haha...fun! then they had to go to cityhall, there to shop ler...my duties were done for that day liao so went home with jon...now got to go watch the PM's speech ler..
signing off..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
wow...went for Cip todae but not the POC de...went for the NU-HOPE de...coz zk, cx jon and cq not going for the POC de...jon and cq going for the NU-hope de...hah..so went there after my tuition. reached there at abt 2.30...so late lor..then slack for a while...then went off and try to sell some balloons..hah, got ppl donate lar, but quite few ppl want the balloon..got some ppl very good lor. i nvr ask them, then they auto come towards me and donate money de...realise that girls will donate de lar..guys quite few... then (forgot her name liao, paisei) will come and ks us de lar... >.< but got some time, she didnt manage to ks.. :p then got T.K.G.S ppl come and 'qiang sheng yi" hah...then come and disturb me and yuanfeng.. muz be yuanfeng too shuai liao..hah. then they were like trying to niao me abt (u noe wat)...but there was 1 funny part where yf and cq went to eat some "contaminated" chocolate..damn funny arh..we were niao-ing him abt getting constipation and advise him to consume more water and fibre..haha...thats was the funny part lar...
then on the way back home..yf wanted to take the same train with me and cq... but coz got the girls (forgot both of yr names..srry) then he pangsei us lor...and up went home with cq....so sian now..go watch the table tennis match ler....gogogo Singapore!
signing off...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hosting or not
Yo ppl! have not been really posting much...nothing really interesting happened leh...only can sae that my msg is so screwed, i think...hopefully can get more A1s.... >.< die liao lar... :'( wanna cry..basically our IHC teacher nvr come lor..long term Mc...heard that she was hospitalized. well, hope that she will recover fast. so IHC was replaced with physic lesson lor...sianzzz. Ms cheong lessons are so interesting arh..talks abt lots of stuff..really quite fun to listen de.. Got some jokes as well....hah. then the "highlight" of todae's post is after sch lar. when jon and I went to find Ms Ting abt the Japan hosting de.. coz we were in charge of the ice breakers. So we told her a few games lor...tried to explain and finally chose some games that were more interesting and interactive and will enable them to know each other more... Coz jon and I were supposed to go the balloon sculpture sabbatical de, then jon found Glen to replace him..but i found no one.. >.< then i was like forced to go for it. then Ms ting was like debating with me that it would do good me good for my portfolio..hah, i dont really look at my portfoio that much....and that she said i would get CIP...i dont nid liao mah..coz got that prism of colour thingy..i wanna get ace nia...then Ms ting keep on saying that ace can be completed with 1 afternoon, but this will do good for my portfolio..oh well hop that she's right....and jon still try to feng-ci me. Saying that there will be chio bu there and that i can flirt..."yea rite", i would rather have ace point than to flirt lar...damn it lar...i can "see" my IH ace flying away liao...sob...hope that my IH ace will be max...got p'dae, presentation and the phamplet....u think i can max my ace? damn sad...oh well...since i "agreed" to it liao, i shouldnt regret.....neither should i fear that i wouldn't max my ace....lmao. Suddenly remember that phrase i watch on tv... "we should not be afraid...and should not regret wat we have done" quite meaningful rite??
woots..its the weekend and next week is sabbatical! oh crap....balloon sculpting....oh well, nvm...its alright...
i very sianz so went to try this game..quite nice!
Ray Part 2
Click here to play this game
but its abit violent. so yea kids stay out! haha
signing off...
Monday, August 11, 2008
National Day!
Srry ppl...havent been really posting for the past 2 days..
First, I would like to wish Singapore a happy 43rd birthdae...although its like 2 days late, but nvm. On saturday, went with jon and zw to Bugis there to do our project. But we couldn't find a suitable spot, thus we walk all the way to raffles there...Finally found a place to sit, but it didn't have any internet connection...very sian lor...slack there, then decided to go to zw hse to do lor, since his house had internet connection, i am not implying that my hse dont have internet connection, but its juz that since he asked, we agreed lor. went to his house, wow he had like 3 computers..anyway first time going to his hse. then we did some "work"...then at 6 i had to go to my mum's friend's bbq...It was at the chalet there, but not at downtown east....near pasir ris park there..then have a basketball court there. Played with her daughter (her:my mum's friend) and her(her:the daughter) friends. I guess they dont play bball everyday, like I do....then challenge some ppl, still lose leh..11-9 despite we had 3 players, and they had 2...i cant solo those 2 ppl... >.< they had teamwork lar....but anyway had real fun there...enjoy it!
ON SUnday. went for the Prism of colours lor. Do CIP. My cousin went too....haha, this time it was at amk station. but it was better, didnt really get rejected so many times...at least, I sold more than 5 notebooks! yay! Realise that girls have more compassion. they donate more money than guys lor...and they dont expect any gifts in return...then later had to go to my cousin's hse lor. jonathan wanted to tag along...so in the end he played bball with my cousin lor..quite ok...had good teamwork with jon, coz we played bball almost everydae....then went up to my cousin hse to bath lor. JOnathan slack at my cousin hse...before going back home....i played some games, then had to go home liao.....So fast lor....
Weekends always past so fast de lor...the good thing is that todae is still a holiday! yay!...
signing off....
Friday, August 8, 2008
Todae was fun...todae was fun...first was national day celebrations...wow, saw zw commanding the whole UG....the performance was g0od! then was some concert, then after that got bio...damn sian...then went to watch the movie :" The mummy, Tomb of the dragon tomb." Very nice! Worth watching...hah...then played bball...then went to eat dinner with jon....haha
had fun todae!
signing off..
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I am juz too tired...too tired to carry it on any longer...I heard that time can heal everything, but izzit true? I tried but failed. 我的希望已经变成了绝望. 人是否能改变自己的人生吗? 还是"老天爷"已提我们安排了?时间真的能治疗所有的一切吗? 老实在别人面前装坚强, 是一为很开朗的人, 但有时侯盖住了我的伤口. 有时侯问过自己, 是否有努力过? 这是我想得到的效果吗? 时间是不等任何人的, 它也不能回转. 做错了就无法改变事实. 一想起来, 我的心就很痛...有人曾经吿诉我:"只要你以努力过, 任何事情就会变好."(TRANSLATE FROM ENG DE) or the eng version: everything will be ok as long as you tried your best"...那翻话使我振作起来, 继续走下那漫长的人生...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Todae was a damn tiring day... thought i would be getting back my chem test, but phew, next week then will get back. Finally i touched bball again after a few days. realise that my skills now sucks. Didnt noe a few days of not playing bball could result in such a decrease in my skills...but anyway sort of got it back after i played abt 2 hrs more....since i dont have that much skills, so it was easy getting it back. Learn how to shoot the proper way, thanks to one guy from bball de. Now the shots are more straight ler..thanks dude!
Then was HCI-RI united shield. We lost unfortunately. Floorball, we lost. Bball, we won, by 1 point. Soccer, we lost 4-1. maybe we'll get the shield back again next year.
then, went with cedric to eat dinner before going to the esplanade to watch the NY Chinese dance. reached there at abt 7.30. then we went to change into t-shirt plus jeans. look so shuai arh...hah, jkjk. A lot of ppl went there lor...In SMTP2, there was me, zk, nigel, MX. quite a lot of ppl went lar. Overall, the dance was nice! Not bad! Considering the fact that they took abt 786 days to prepare it, which is abt 2 years and 2 months. wow, thats a lot of hard effort! wo zhen shi dui ni men wu ti tou di arh! (in chinese). Then went to eat supper with zk, cx, and some other ppl lor, i only order a drink and fries. haha...becoz we were scare that the last train would leave city hall, so we chiong to the mrt be4 11.20pm lor. juz nice, i took the last train. But heard that all those dancer only left the esplanade at abt 11+..so kelian..but at least the performance was so successful! oh well, getting sleepy, so goodnite, ppl!
signing off...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
So sian arh, had 4 tests todae leh! First was Maths test, quite ok lar. then was chinese, oh my, i dont noe how to so some questions.. >.< then was Chem Spa test....which was ok again. and the was the AMC maths competition. 4 tests in a row! thats y i am so tired now.....
Damn it lar, pissed with a certain person....so idiotic and has such an attitude problem. Darn it. I wish he could vanish into thin air, but that will not ever come true the lor. if it does, it will be a miracle. the only thing i could hope for, is that he could change that attitude of his. But i doubt he will change it. "jiang shan yi gai, ben xing nan yi" oh well....
off to rest my mind ler..
signing off...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
So sian lar....didnt play bball in sch for 2 days liao leh...coz nv bring p.e t-shirt....coz we are not supposed to play in our sch uniforms, but apparently many ppl are dao-ing it despite the smb message...bringing p.e shirt tmr...wanna play bball, addicted to it. should try to stop this desire of mine, to play bball....during recess or lunch, i find it hard to resist bball....damn, should follow zk, can watch ppl play without that urge to join them... I am weird, aren't i?
damn it, there's like 3 test tmr..this isnt fair....mugging liao, bb
signing off..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
TIME is running away!
argh..chem was screwed. i think ><...there was nothin much todae....went for tuition after sch lor...then so late then reach home....test and more tests are comin...feeling stress... :'( this muz be my shortest post ever, but oh well nvm, time is running out for me...I wanna control time, sometimes i want it to stop to enjoy some beautiful memories, sometimes i want it to go faster to take away the pain....
signing off...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Yesterday was total slack...was supposed to do project with zw and jon but instead we were like playing DOTA....but i managed to mug chem for a while...nothin much yesterday.
Today, had to go help out for the Prism of Colours thing...for Charity! I had to like ask ppl to donate or buy some stuff for charity...saw cx, hugo, jon and cq there and some ACS(I) ppl, and Siming lor....had to smile and ask ppl de, even though got 'rejected' so many times, but we still have to keep on SMILING! :) Some ppl were king enough to donate more than $2 but some were 'bao shou', donate 10c etc...but its the though that counts rite? at least better than some who dont even
want to donate, and dao-ed us. There is this guy who was a joker and a retard. i tried asking politely for donations, he reached into his pockets and i heard some coins' sound, like the coins were hitting one another, it was so obvious he had lots of coins in his pocket. then he removed hos hand and told me :" Sorry, i dont have any coins..." i was like WTH?! then i told jon:" nono, that was the sound of his $2 notes, not coins" juz to niao him....but i dont think he heard it....wat a loser...dont want to donate then juz sae donwan lar...dont make it so obvious.. jon and I were like laughing at those who tried to dao-ed us lor...we thought of funny ways to dao ppl...laughing like mad...we work till 6 liddat then stop liao..quite fun lar...
sianz..next week lots of test liao...
signing off...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Shall talk abt yesterday. But, apparently i cant remember what interesting thing happened yesterday....thats y i should have posted it yesterday...but oh well i was busy. Only remember having English test. Quite difficult leh, how? Then i went for tuition lor...But yesterday was not the main point.
Today, then is the main point. Yes! we have half day today! s0 lessons ended at abt 11.20 lor. Before that was the IDS poster presentation. I think that our poster was bad... :'( not colourful enough. :( nvm that...then Zm ,zw, cq went for their npcc, then i played bball with jon lor, coz his EP3 starts at 3pm....waited with him till 2.30. Then he was damn lame and a big loser arh. Juz becoz he wants to have fun, then he go and take my bag and run around the whole sch, like playing "catching" is like WTH?! So childish arh...then i no choice went to his s.o room and take his bag, hoping that he would exchange...but he like donwan...wth? was like wasting my time nia...damn pissed off lar...then he finally returned the bag when his ep3 starts....i was like "wad de?" wat a lamer....then continue to play bball, while waiting for zw they all to go watch "The Dark Knight." The pangsei me lor, so i have to go alone to meet them....cw is damn niao arh....his niao-ing skills doctorate liao... Then we were like niao-ing zw abt being the dark knight, which was batman...the show was damn nice lar...2.5hrs! aiyo, after going out todae, i am so broke...no money liao.... :'( nid to wait for next week lor... oh well...shouldnt have spent that much...nvm then...argh, there are so many tests next week.. :(
signing off :p
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Todae was sort of slack. First was English lar, quite slack too. Luckily our IHC teacher nvr come, so free period lor. Which means early recess! at least the queue wont be that long liao. hah, managed to eat finish be4 the crowd comes. Then we slack at Mr Galvin Sng's room lor...hah.
Then it was assembly. they invited some guy to talk to us abt entrepreneurship arh..wasnt listening much..oops...coz jonathan that lame joker....(argh, shall not wish to talk abt it here), then it was music appreciation, and then a talk abt peer pressure of watching pornography.....is like wth lor....
then we receive our maths test back. hah, got an A1! yay! same as Zhi ming lor. damn happy liao...
then lunch, hah was playing bball lor, nvr eat...then iHE and then chinese, so basically wednesday is that most slack day, hah love it. looking forward to FRIDAY!!!
Then after sch went to play bball. at firsts play with some ppl 5v5 ful court, was like owning lar! then so sorry arh jonathan. accidently trip u. Really sorry abt it. :'( hope that u are still ok..
then after that we went to play with some sec 2s, was like abit de "bully" them, coz we 4v4 them, zm that tall guy went to join them. so we juz play slack with them lor. but with zw, so we still own..zm was like damn tall, chao hard to get rebound lor.. :P yupp, that all i think...and sorry jonathan! :'(
signing off..
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
woots, Dr Hon told us that we have half day on fri! yay..which means that we can go home at 11.20! but y he donwan put as today or on thursday leh? Coz, lessons end at 3.20 on tues and 4 on thursday. argh...friday lessons ends at 1.20...how many periods difference? considering that 1 period last for 40mins and thats like missing 3 periods on fri nia....oh well at least its better than nothing rite? hah...
Realise that my bball really deprove after like not playing for 3 days ler. Actually my bball skills aint that good either....sadded sia... and jiayou to all those having their test now! hoping that Mrs Khoo can postpone the maths test to next week arh.....aiyo my eng test this thursday leh.....and my lunch is exactly at the period....is like wade....i no nid eat meh? >< cannot think when i am very hungry leh...how? :'( wanna cry liao....nvm, missing lunch is sometimes part and parcel of life... :p
Now mugging maths....aiyo, so sianz..
signing off...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Yo ppl! Happy Racial Harmony Day! thats y there was no lessons todae! yay! but i cannot slack that much lor. coz i was the concert helper....so have to help out with the concert out up for the sec 1 and 2 by other schs.
then the whole event ends at 12.30 lor..but all those in cultural sabbactical ended at 10 plus....but all those in NYGH de had their block test todae lor..so sad, cannot celebrate...oh well...hah
then zm, zw jon cq and cw went to play lan first lor...then i joined them later...played 3 games of dota and cs....hah, then ate at Mcdonald, which cw went to tell us more abt zw's secret hah... then went home with cq lor....bus chao crowded lar...
argh..maths test on thursday leh....how?
signing off...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Todae was another slack day...and tmr will also be haha..i love IDS! argh..but i injured my index finger while playing bball..damn it..it hurts now...its swollen liao lor. ouch..it hurts whenever i try to move it..or bend it...argh...how am i supposed to play bball tmr? i can only stand there and shoot ler...cannot dribble liao...*sigh* todae had lots of homework arh..but hah..manage to finish all by 9.30! yay..including that interview thingy lor....
my finger....it hurts now.. :'(
signing off......pain pain pain...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Todae was freaking cool! Leave lessons at 12pm coz have to go and prepare for the T&F(track and field finals) and Judo finals. So I had to go to Bedok there to support the Judo. So in the end Hwachong clinched 2 champions for Judo. C and B division boys! Congratz but sadly we lost the A boys and girls division. lose by a close margin lar...cheer until my voice is hoarse... abit de no voice liao. Then went down to T&F there to support. Woots, HCI clinched 3 champions this time!!! C, B and A girls division...congratz!!! when the results were abt to announce for the overall champion, we were chanting, "Hwachong..champion(repeating)" then later was "double...champion(repeat)" and the last was "triple..champion!" which we did! yay! total of 5 championship title!!!
Half day! or Full day also can! yay, looking forward to having a day off....congratz to those who have won. and overall, i think that our sch owns and pwn the rest! At the end of T&F, we put a "wang" (king in chinese) in the middle, coz we are the champions! yay..i sound so ego...nvm...hah....
signing off...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Woots, todae was chao slack arh. English teacher didnt come again, i think she must be attending some course. Since i finished her work she gave yesterday, i did my IHC hw, which i have not done yet..hah...2 periods of choinging hw and slacking, (a total of 1hr and 20mins), then tried to complete my chinese essay which was given todae, since my chinese teacher didnt come as well! woots 4 periods of lessons to slack! hah...completed my chinese essay! then have some Maths lecture..coz this week is Interdisciplinary Studies...hah..also can slack. SO basically I was slacking the whole day. During "chinese lesson" i was playing bball arh..coz no teacher and i finished my work liao mah. (i so guai rite?) ....then attended some briefing for tmr Track and Field Finals! yea...tmr can leave sch early... :p but go home damn late too tmr..how? :( nvm..thats life i guess (again)..hah...off to eat ler..very hungry now....
signing off...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Yo ppl! Srry abt not updating my blog beocz i was busy this whole week. (and EXTREMELY TIRED AS WELL) So, first things first, Record challenge. It totally sapped my energy...on thursday, we had to stay there till 10pm! from 2.30 to 10....damn tired, then on friday i stayed till 3am which means it was already saturday....reach home at 4 am..slept at 4.30am, woke up at 6am to go to the PSLC(Primary School Leadership Convention), its sort of a miniature version of SLC.
wa from 2.30pm work all the way to 3am..thats like more than 12hrs...And i woke up at 6am for PSLC...luckily there were some parents who came down to help. And Sze yuan, "thanks" for coming down with yr family(since yr mum is a teacher there) and giving us "eye power" arh..and also thanks to you, i get to slack and talk to u for a while... But the bad news is that i think we lost this record challenge despite our hard efforts... :'( .....sadded...all our efforts were like wasted..... *sigh* ...
But anyway PSLC todae was super fun lar....although not as fun as SLC lar...Activities were fun..But before our group's participants came, the other groups had more than 5 participants ler, only our group had none....So, we were like both a little anxious and hoping that they would come soon....hah...and yup all came!.. .Then amelia had to pangsei me lar...coz she has to attend her sister's graduation. then wen qi went to replace her lor.....but she had to leave for abt 1hr coz of some dance...her cca. Then replaced again by an OT member...then after that Wen qi ran back to find us to rejoin our group since her dance was over ler. Still can remember the surprise lar....the facs are supposed to be the King and queen, and their members are supposed to protect them from getting wet while other ppl wil try splash water on them. I got wet lar...they aimed for my pants de...hah but at least i managed to dodge some as well....after all they are still primary sch kids. hah...then got this girl, jermaine arh...yi zhi gen wo zuo dui de lor.....aiyo...zhen shi na ta mei ban fa (in chinese)....hah....but nvm....then photo taking....
After that it was facs and Ot dinner. wa....we waited damn loing for the NY facs arh.....coz they got some debrief...but well...its ok to wait mah....then we ate at KAP. hah..the entire row of chair in that circle...(go KAP and u will noe wat i mean) were taken by us arh..btw the shirt was nice!
And nicolette, pls dont upload the videos hor..abt me de...juz sent it to me...hah...thats all..i am getting sleepy ler...so cya..And i Hope we will keep in touch!
signing off..
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Project Day!
We had no lessons todae! yay because of p'dae. So for those who dont noe wats p'dae, its actually a day where we have to present our project that we have done, depending on whether u pass the previous round. Today was Semi-finals, yea...so we were doing abt tilted house. Lots of chim maths equations were needed lar.. luckily our group swapped with some group, thus we were the third group to present. The the group be4 us was a sec 1 group. They got niao by the judges lar.....sae they only sec 1 should do something their standard, not doing abt differentiation. lol..i dont even understand wats differentiation.....
Yea, so after we presented, we went to library to slack...hah...(NOT playing D.O.T.A)...then went to play bball, after that had to go to the innova primary sch for the record challenge..i think next next week then will show the process....very tough lar..but wat to do? hah.....lol then reach home so late...
signing off....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Youth Day!
Happy Youth DAy ppl!
hah..went to KAP to finish up our project for project's day tmr, which means no lesson! yay...juz presenting on our project nia....but still nid to go to sch....and i nid to go woodlands there for the record challenge.. :'(.....oh well..nvm.
Then went to play lan with zm,zw,yf and jon lor i am such a noob in using slayer and lion...sian diao...should have used dwarven sniper.
Then went home....so sad sia....youth day, i so early go home..nvr go out..sob...well thats life i guess..
signing off..
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Todae was fun arh. Went to NYGH for that PSLC (Primary SChool leadership conference). It was fun. chen xu 's ankle was sprained yar so he was like limping...haha....Lol, saw some familar faces like nicolette, yu he, si min etc...yea, we had icebreakers as well....It was fun overall...new friendships were made and yar...
Then after that went to eat at KAP with zw yf and ben. eat liao, then I and zw went National Library at Bugis to meet jon to discuss our project. lol..he didnt bring a laptop as his father banned him from com, so we discuss some equations, and yar his father damn pro in maths lar, help us in some chim equations. Yar, so we decided to call it a day at abt 4 liddat then we went 'shopping' liddat, looking at some poseur(is that how u spell it?) shoes, t-shirt etc....didnt buy anything coz I am too poor liao.. :p anyway, it was real fun todae, so see ya!
signing off....
Friday, July 4, 2008
Haha,farewell yiru! hope u enjoyed yr "stay" here in HCI.. Well, pardom me if i havent really been a good host, but u are indeed a good guest .
Anyway, Today is the last day of the Cedar Girls-Ortus exchange. So yup. u wont get to see them in our sch next week liao. anyway went to Innova pri sch again, yes again. For the record challenge thingy. So I marcus and cx waited for zhou kai , then we took a taxi there, luckily can claim de lar.
Yup so we chatted and laugh lar, being with them was fun. At least they dont niao like zw jon they all, they crap jokes and it was fun. We painted the cans lor...still cant finish de lar, 8500 cans leh?!
Then we did till 6.40 liddat, then went home, btw we reached at 3 plus. Then on the way, Me, zhou kai marcus, chen xu and sherwin chatted on the way....its was funny arh...I really like talking to them lor..so comical, then we were like remembering about SLC...hah..Its was fun! Real fun!
Yea so reached home at abt 8 plus... Tired but it was fun.
signing off....
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Ok, this is gonna be the last time i clarify this. First things first, I nvr dao-ed my partner and will nvr. 2nd, I am so sorry if i havent been tactful in my words. I juz speak wat is on my mind, straightforward person, u can say. So I will say it once again, this time in a more tactful manner. "I am afraid that my partner would be bored with/following me around. Although i may have been trying very hard to talk to her, entertain her." 3rd, i dont mind her going with the PRCs talking to tianbi they all. (This is directed to my classmates especially jon,zw,zm,cq) . Its understandable, if she is happy talking to them then it would be better for her to talk to them occasionally. (Up till here i am trying to be tactful ler, so pls stop all this nonsense and stop niao-ing me) .
Shall not talk abt that liao...off to tadae...I had the Iron Man challenge todae so me cx nel and glen was in one group. Nel was a joker lar, we were like laughing. And he was like sticking his finger into the pond, urging the fish to "bite" it...lol..the way he said was funny...The challenges was quite tough arh..but actually i wasnt realy doing much, so sorry abt it..hah. CX was th most pro arh. The Iron Man started at 3 and ended at 7..so late arh....then reach home so late...oh well..physic test was juz ok, some question are hard, while some are ok lar.
I apologise if I have offended anyone in any way. I am really srry.
signing off....
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
damn it...wat did i do?! y is like the whol world is like accusing me! y?! i tried to talk liao...i even tried to let her talk to the PRC so that she can talk abt things in china and she wont really feel so lonely....i really tried, although i may keep on saying sian but everytime i think very hard on how to not make her bored....y?
darn it....wat did i do?
wats wrong?
First thing first...srry arh yiru, if i have not been a good host to u..paisei...my fault. But todae, i had to pangsei u again to attend some record challenge thing, but at least u are with yr friends..hah..so i did do my duties.
Yay, i think i will be on tv arh...tune in to the record challenge next-next week...i think....the innova primary school de....abt the national flag and the cans....hah....damn scared now....phy test tmr....but the only compliment is that my maths tst is postpone! yay! I think i would look funny in tv...so if u wanna have a good laugh, go watch it lor, and laugh...but dont niao me in sch, that is..
now back to mugging phy ler..
signing off..
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Todae was fun....but my buddy is really getting bored and boring as well.....but i cant pangsei her juz to talk to zm they all....i am a very responsible person de.....no choice mah...So, Simin, u better not sae that i bully her lor....damn scared of u now...hah...
lessons are boring, but thats life in hci...but hor my buddy very mugger lor. dun noe question then ask teacher liao. When i have hw to do, she is the first one to see it arh, lol, i juz stuff it away coz i was busy then....She is not very sporty as her other friends... ok lar, i not saying she is that bad lar, juz plain bored as her other friends are in other classes....thats understandable....
well, got more contacts ^-^ hah...
signing off....
Monday, June 30, 2008
Busy, busy me!
todae was the first day the Cedar Girls came to hci...As u all noe i am one of the host lar....lol, my buddy is from China...nothing to sae lor..i sianz diao already arh...coz its like only she in my class...the rest in O1 and O2 liao..she also chao boring de lar...sian liao sia....so bored, i also cannot pangsei her to talk to zm they all, as i have to do my duties mah....(so responsible rite?, haha)
Lesson after lesson...i get sian-er and sian-er...
But the good thing was we go and meet up with those from O1 and O2 lor..got to noe some more friends...then we ate at S.I.M...so ex lor..i so poor.. :'(...
Then we went to play bball...(MY SUGGESTION de) hah....they are not so rough as the ny de...quit ok lar..play eith them was fun..so i cedric and lucas...then yuan ming and maruc joined..followed by some guys...bball was fun..but leh the aunti muz closed her bookshop liao...so muz return lor..chao sianz...then we slack around lor....after that they like went back to sch..or home..then i went for the record challenge meeting lor....
Damn, realise that this week and next week i will be super busy...this week have:
1)Record Challenge
2)PSLC workshop
3) Cedar Girls exchange program
4) phy and maths test
next week:
1)record challenge
the record challenge took my my next 2 weeks liao...aiyo..sian diao again...hah
signing off....
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Todae was quite interesting..tuition was first and boring. Then meet jon and zw at ps to discuss project. we chatted abt it for a while be4 proceeding to Jurong East to see some bball match. but leh, jon too hum ler, sae he go home would be late as my parent cannot fetch him home or near his hse.. so pangsei zw and me...
But leh..the match was nice arh...finally saw zhou kai in action. pro lar! but my sch still lost to cathalic high...but play for 2 quarters only..not full match. But the best part was at the back. Singapore's cagers versus Thailand. hah...pro battle. damn good teamwork arh...muz learn from them...i muz train on my speed ler. watch till 9, then went home. zw and i went to the mrt then we separated to take different trains..on the way, we chatted on our own bball skills as well as zm,jon and cq....shall not sae wat we discuss abt...yr weakness or yr strength(if u have one,that is)...ok lar..i dont be so bad...shall tell u al abt my friends strength...
zw.....fast, like tapping card liddat...
Jon.....fast lor..
cq..good defence...
thats wat we said lar....hah no offence to anyone..
signing off...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
aiyo...todae was chao happy lar.....found out that our maths test was postpone to nextweek, but thgis term, i have 5 maths test leh.. :( aiyo..damn sad too... :(
hah..niao-ing was usual, except new girls were added to the niao-ing part...zw and zm were the ones getting niao-ed..hah..
thats life again....i think the cedar girls are coming over next week...lol..hosted by ortus council ba...
nothing more to sae...
signing off..
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
yo dudes....hope that my tag board wont be dead....
anyway, todae was a damn funny day arh...
had height and weight test todae...chao sianz arh.....i so short and fat.. sob...height=1.68m...hah.. at least taller then zw....weight, u can ask me on msn.
then eng lesson, damn funny arh....we (zw, zm,jon,cq and me) were supposed to research on some leaders lar, but we digress and instead went to zw's blog to access the link..hah...niao zm and zw abt ping ting and jia yuin...saw all their photos lar...(shall not comment on it here, ask me on msn if u really wanna noe)...damn funny lor..the way we niao them...hah..
niao-ing goes on lor....all the way, and laughter could be heard as well...
thats life for me in sch...
signing off..
Monday, June 23, 2008
First day
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bball..tired liao
wa...last day of holiday ler ppl...its time to start our "engines" again...preparing for the new term...(very sianz leh) aiyo....
ok lar...todae went to play bball with my cousin lor....then jon came and join....aiyo...he arh..come liao..like donwan play liddat...he sae he dont feel like sweating...wth? nvm him..then play for a while he went home to mug liao...hah...the best part is after he went home...
Me and my cousin's friend with 2 other pro guys played with other teams...wa..my cousin's friend chao pro arh.basketball team de leh..then is we bai zhan bai sheng, keep on winning every match we played...thanks to the other 3 members...i was juz slacking around, scoring some, of course..the players are damn fast arh....so pro...zhou kai, u should really play with them...hah..play till 7 plus..then tired liao. so went home lor...
sianz arh, school reopening ler, have to see all those teacher again...and that class of mine....aiyo..nothing to sae ler.
signing off...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Kunfu Panda! haiya!
Yesterday was fun! went to watch Kunfu Panda with my cousin...quite funny arh...Po was a expert in kunfu arh....damn funny, I was like laughing all the way arh...
still remember one lame phrase from the movie: "there is only news, there are no such thing as good or bad" said the master "Tai lang is coming..."said the disciple ..then the master said, "oh thats bad news" ....hah...so lame rite.....haha
then there was once Po face was freaking funny becoz the acupunture needle accidently hit his facial expression...funny facial expression....damn funny arh.....
should go watch it ppl.....freaking funny...
signing off....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Got this from ShuSHan's blog...had to do it...coz i was tagged..lol...hah..
remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question
then tag 8 people in your list, list them out in the end of this post.
Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged.
Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.
Q1: Do you like your present school?
Ok lar...juz that i hope that they dont niao me like mad....
Q2: What do you want the most now?
I want time to go back, so that June holidays will start again, and SLC would repeat!
Q3: Who is the closest person to you in your school?
lol...i dont think got closest leh, but should be jon, zw and zm ba
Q4: Do you hate your friends sometimes?
One and only 1! damn it i hate him...but should I still treat him as a friend?
Q5: What is your goal this year?
Achieve good result lar...
Q6. Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with?
MySElf lor, and of course my love ones....
Q7: What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Friendship, kinship, ties...hah..and com, phone etc ...
Q8: Do you find life meaningless?
NO LAR..LIFE IS GREAT with yr loved ones around.
Q9: Who do you live for?
MYSELF and my loved ones.
Q10: Who do you talk most to in school?
Jon, zw, zm lor.....but i still talk to everyone!
Q11: What are you listening to now?
Q12: DO u believe true friendship exists? EYA (HAHAHAH)
I believe it to a certain extent...and pls i dont want to EYA..this not essay leh..
Q13: If you are lying on your death bed now, who do you wish to be right by your side?
Dont curse me leh....but nevertheless, i wan my love ones to be right by my side...especially the one i loved most...
Q14: What's the funniest joke you've heard so far?
HMM...heard of many jokes leh...forget some liao..hah..
Tag 8 people!
1. Jonathan
2. Joven
3. Nelson
4. NIgel
5. Nicolette
6. Janier
7. Hemelia
8. Zhen wei
note that this is in no order......juz randomly....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Hah...had a quite a fun day todae....
Actually, we( me, jonathan and zhen wei) were supposed to discuss our project de, since they "pangseh" me to meet our mentor alone....so i have to explain the concept to them lor, quite complicated. :p After some time, finally they got the message, and then it was copying hw time...zw and jon were copying my hw lor..(but hor i not a mugger) i only copy zw's some question in physic hw...lol....then dota..
We were like talking abt gfs and niao-ing lor...as usual lar... but wat to do? friends mah..
thanks arh zw, for treating me to bubble tea! alikato cosignimas(in japan) (srry arh, i dont noe hot to spell it) Lets go out some time again...movie anyone?
ppl, holidays are abt to end ler, wat "meaningful" stuff have u all done? 4 more days and counting.....
how i wish i can manipulate time. I would freeze time or even turn back the clock, where the holidays juz started...then SLC would come again...haha...wishful thinging hor? :p
signing off...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
BACK from camp..
I apologise if u are disappointed abt the fact that i did not blog abt anything for the past few days...
So, i am back from a Mid Year Review camp lar...council stuff. It was quite fun lar....In the morning, we had bio lesson, which was boring... then for the camp we had some activities, then some talks and review abt past events that we did in this year lor..hah..then got mini-street soccer competition. My team lost 1, tied 1, win 1 hah....coz got 2 player who was not that good in it, ok lar, i am not saying that i am pro either.....but leh chen xu cam and sub 1 player, then we start to own liao..hah...
best part was at nite lar....we had this nite food trail thing, where we go to different places to try and eat some nice and recommended food, of course we share the food lar... :p It was nice sharing and talking....there were of course forfeits lar....shall tell u abt mine later....then we "ate" till 11 plus liddat..then went back to school...did some debrief and forfeits be4 going to sleep....hate sleeping on the floor...and i really enjoy sleeping on my bed lar..so comfortable.. :p
The 2nd day, which is todae, we did some talks....then the fun part is that Mr Sim, our consortium director gave us $500 for us to spend becoz he wants to reward us for helping during founder's day...thats a good thing being a councilor! hah! we had Pizza for lunch, then went to amk hub to watch movie lor..watch that movie the 2nd time...oh well, but it was fun! everything was paid liao. (THANK YOU, MR SIM!)..then went home lor..
oh ya..my forfeit was to shout " mummy! its over!" after the movie ended, it was embarrassing, hah...
see ya..
signing off...
Friday, June 13, 2008
To SLC (Parmenia) ppl
SLC-Parmenia ppl, pls check Janier's Blog! Our photo's are uploaded!
and janier, wat evidence? :p
Btw, yesterday, went to watch the incredible hulk with my cousin....quite okay lar. Shall not reveal the storyline too much, but here goes...
THe hulk, he wants to get rid of the thing inside him, but is under pursue by the General, who wants to make it into a weapon, thus he employs a russian elite soldier, who turn out to be bloodthirsty for a "hulk" fight. His genes got mutated(i shall not sae how) and in the end, hulk has to appear again, and fight a death match...guess who wins? lol.... quite okay lar....
Still hoping to go out with parmenia...ppl remember the surprise we are going to give!
today went to meet Mrs Khoo alone...(jon and zw, thanks for pangseh-ing me) coz jon has cca which he dont want to pon, and zw suddenly have npcc comp...wa lao eh. anyway, the project has a new twist ler....more challenging and its quite hard for me to explain, but i will try to. MOre challenging means more potential mah...
now sian diao liao, nothing to do now... :p
signing off....
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Who are u?
i am still wondering who is "slc<3" lor......pls tell me who u r..i noe u are a senior from 13th slc mah....but juz add me on msn can?
btw....we not going out ler....*sigh* coz very little ppl going...and i feel quite sian abt it....even janier feels the same......feeling bored now....really want to go to my cousins hse now....sianzz....how ironic....but thats life.....
signing off.....
Friday, June 6, 2008
hah..went to watch "Chronicles of Narnia; Prince Caspian"...hah....the show was quite nice lar....teaches us that we should have the courage to fight for wat is right and we shouldnt give up on our hopes easily.....and also we should fight for wat we believe....and should not give it up..ya.......
talking to my cousin was nice.....able to talk abt anything under the sun..hah.....it was really nice....i sound lame......anyway...watching movie is certainly quite fun! hah....!
signing off....
yesterdae went to my cousin hse lor.....hah...played maple on a different server....so long nvr play ler lor.....wa this server damn qiang arh....fighting 1 monster is equivalent to getting 100 times more exp....then the stats all so imba....hah.....can go 2nd job within 15 mins...3rd within 1/2 hr....hah....damn pro arh.....
anyway its already the end of the 2nd week......muz enjoy the june holidays while i can! looking forward to 9 june....seriously hope that everyone can go lor.... :p.....
signing off...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Thanks mom and dad! yay! my parents bought me a crumpler bag!!! woots.....hah.......woots..parents are the best!! thats was the best present i have ever received! hah......love u, mom and dad!
signing off....
feeling good! I feel good *music*
wow....i feel better..so much better...after a good nite sleep.....ol...dunnoe y i yesterdae so sad liddat.....but anyway...yea..i muz listen to all those who ask me to cheer up....i muz be more optimistic lor.....hah......but srry arh(to nelson, cx,alf, joven) i cant go and play badminton with u guys....hah...next time bah..i will go....promise! :p
and thank you to those who tried to cheer me up.....unlike some of my friends *hints at some of my classmates * who still make some sarcastic remarks.......anyway...i am glad to noe that at least i have some who are reliable...hah....
signing off.....
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Feeling cold......didnt get a good nite sleep yesterday....thinking abt stuff...yea.....then todae had to wake up early to play bball with ys and shawn.......hah. my bball skills didnt "deprove" even though i didnt play 4 1 week ler.....hah.....(not zi kua) haha..
feeling sleepy and tired......i tried taking a nap juz now, but i seriously couldnt sleep, dunnoe y...juz 'toss' around....and juz decided to blog.......
and pls dont dao me....it doesn't feel good......i feel sad.....it makes me wonder if u really wan to ignore me.........i feel sick....and sad......y? i start to question myself.....optimistic should be the word that describe me....but now, its gone.....y? i wonder.................
i seriously cant take it anymore........i cried but to no avail.....no one will ever noe....becoz its all hidden within my heart.....i cant take it....i cant.....i really nid to 'straighten' my feelings and thoughts.....really......i juz want to cry and let it all out, but tears wouldnt come out.....my heart is cold......i cant get it warm again, can I? emptiness fil my heart......i juz dunnoe y?
someone pls help me....save me from this misery.... :(
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sunday Fun!

then Kristin and Dennis cme to join us for dinner....hah.....we were like teasing them, and Sharvin and I were like saying we spot a couple......coz she told me that she was meeting someone....and that someone happens to be Dennis....hah....gu nan gua n(v)...hah......then some more teasing.....we went to pastamania to eat lor....damn ex......sianz.....good times really past so fast, then we all go back liao lor......
wondering when will we go out again.... i look up..the sky looks peaceful......the moon glowing brightly, i wonder.....when?....when will this happen again?
back to studying......i tell myself......fear gripped me.......ensure abt the future........but at least i noe that our friendship will last....with that..i smiled......finally...... (i sound abit lame rite?)
signing off...anyway...todae was fun!!! thanks for everything!!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Todae was quite fun lar......went out with jon, nel and joven and her friend, joy.........haha...we went bowling..and guess wat.....I was first in the first game!!! scored 106 points...hah...got some strike and spare.....quite happy...then 2nd game got 2nd lar...lost to joven by 2 p0ints...sob.....she got 110......hah...nel and jon.....they are quite noob in bowling..(srry dudes no offence, i noe i aint pro either) ..most importantly is to have fun mah....hah... then we went arcade to play the air hockey...hah...first game jon and nel beat me and joven...then 2nd game, it was a tied....anyway it was a good game.....(btw no offence to anyone) hah....looking forward to tmr......
btw who's slc<3? Pls tell me thanks!!!
signing off......tmr......hah :p
Friday, May 30, 2008
SLC 4th and Final Day!!!
Goodbye 14th SLC forever...although u may be gone, but i will always remember u in my heart, always.....i sound wierd, do I? hah...I love SLC man! love it to the core....and Kristin, dont cry....we can always go out and we love u forever!!!...."dont cry because its the end, smile because it happened"...by some famous guy...today i really laugh until my stomach hurts lar....1st time in dunnoe how many years since i laughed liddat ler........Grand Finale Rocks man!!!!! wa i so enthu todae till my voice a bit hoarse liao..damn sexy man.......hah........Kay yi damn cute lar......during the grand finale, when we were like raising our hands, in order to connect the whole group and as i was beside her, she held me hand lar....like very zi dong leh....i was stunned at first lar..but realised that it was like ppl holding hands together, which I continued it......hah.....damn funny...she also damn hardworking lor....type out some notes, to give to everyone...telling them abt themselves...and about her feelings etc lar....hah.......
Our clustor director, nicholette(srry arh i dont noe how to spell yr name) only remember me as the one who always rebut other ppl de....hah...always talk alot de....arh....how could i give such a bad impression...but well nvm..at least i juz show my true personality....hah..(no offence to anyone, i hope) .... hah....but she damn funny lor..she during cluster meeting act like so fierce, then keep saying, "participants, pls be reminded that talking/cheering/clapping is not in order" hah..damn funny..but in grand finale, she damn enthu, like totally change....hah....like keep on dancing lor.....funny dance though..hah.....she may want to whack me if she sees this..lmao...!
The grand Finale was the BEst...it was too good to be true....hah....during our cluster's turn to go up stage, we play the song "pls dont stop the music" and dance, played and cheer together arh, then we did the "everybody dance now" thing.....the one which goes *clap clap* 2 times...3 times......lets break it up *clapclap* ..lets do the remix *clap*...something liddat............hah...then our cluster performance ended like me doing the break dance....like a water flow passes through my hand then to my legs, then back to my finger, then i pointed at Isaac, which he did the moon walk, then both of us pointed at Sharvin, who did the handstand..woots.....the audience was like cheering damn loud when we did those lar.damn enthu lor.....of course they gave us a standing ovation.....hah.....we walked off the stage with pride, and i am sure everyone did. COz every cluster performance rock to the core!!!!! and for the first time, u will see me being so enthu and laughing so madly in this 'concert'...hah....really enjoyed my time here....didnt regret anything...
Once again here's my group, Parmenia's cheer: (enjoy)
Parmenia is a dynamite
And if u mess with dynamite,
We'll go
ti ti (x4)
Boom dynamite!
Boom(x4) dynamite!
Hey Hey Its time to fight
everybody shoe Parmenia's might
Hey hey lets perservere
We are the only team that u gonna fear!!!!
cool rite...
We rock! Parmenia rock! I love Parmenia! and We love Kristin!!! SLC forever!!! This is the best thing I have ever attended.....this is a 1000000000% success!!!! Tell me I rock too!!! hah...
signing off....SLC forever!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
SLC 3rd Day!
Wa....good times really past so fast......the 3rd dae is already over liao leh..so fast rite? nvm i really enjoy the last day to the fullest tmr....A piece of good news, my team's action paper got selected to represent our clustor...cool rite? Basically, an action paper is a solution, intro etc on youth education, so our cluster is doing abt assisting school drop-outs...hah.....cool rite.....coz our group got 1 zai presenter and got me lar of course..hah.... coz i keep on questioning the other group, while our group only recieve 1 comment/question, the rest got "bombarded" by me....hah...(no offence).....I keep on asking this guy question until he was speechless....hah.....of course, my group's action paper was set to be discussed and to be ammended, so this group wanted to add in a paragraph, but due to my question, none of the other group voted for for this idea, all voted against the idea....hah..........then todae got GOH come and talk arh.....The GOH was Dr Lily Neo....hah... a bit boring lar..... then during the Q&A, i wasnt paying attention coz i was like talking to my facilitator....hah..passing notes to each other...then she keep on saeing my drawing so ugly arh... :P well hers is equally ugly....(oops..no offence...Kristin) the quite ok lar....
Next was the photo taking....hah..then while waiting for our turn, we played games which was damn fun arh...so much laughter.... got this RGS girl, she is sec 2 lar.....but very small build...so i keep on teasing her to be primary school kid...hah...kristin keep saeing that I was childish, am I? hah...juz wanted to add laughter mah.......then the games had forfeit lor...wa..actually 1 forfeit is i not supposed to do, they force me to do lor...but the best was then Kristin finally got to do the forfeit..hah....retribution.... :p ..woots...damn happy.....SLC Rocks forever!!!!!
oh ya..i look so shuai in council uniform man!!! hah...
seriously hope to have u all as my class......will remember my group for SLC forever! hah...
signing off.......SLC,SLC,SLC,,,,, Parmenia rocks.....hah.....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
SLC 2nd day!
2nd day of SLC was fun! although not as fun as the first day. hah...only dry concepts lor....so we did an action paper abt education liddat lor....I feel that our team is really good lor..I like my team! :p Had lots of fun with them, we play, we laugh, we tease.haha...damn funny arh...and quite memorable..too bad... the 2nd day is already over.....looking forward to the third day....hah...our facilitator, Kristin is really good lar....quite impressed....and u noe 1 girl from our group is the only sec 2, from RGS, her name is Kay yi.....lunch bufet lor...didnt eat much..hah...but for teabreak, i eat like 3 chocolate roll, the small one....hah....played murderer-winks...at first i was the murderer lor, then i so suay, go wink at kay yi, who was the dectective....haha..2nd one was i was the dectective, then Kristin winked at someone, but she so suai, i managed to caught her....of my group i can remember most of the names, Kristin, Kay Yi, Shu San, Grace(Australia) , fan fei(china), Shaun, Isaac, Kevin, Sharvin....hah....they are a so much better then some of my classmates lar..i wish that we were real classmates studying together....that will be so much fun...(no offence to anyone) hah...really enjoyed my time in SLC, I really ENJOYED it!
looking forward to it.....
signing off....