todae was the first day the Cedar Girls came to hci...As u all noe i am one of the host, my buddy is from China...nothing to sae lor..i sianz diao already arh...coz its like only she in my class...the rest in O1 and O2 liao..she also chao boring de lar...sian liao bored, i also cannot pangsei her to talk to zm they all, as i have to do my duties mah....(so responsible rite?, haha)
Lesson after lesson...i get sian-er and sian-er...
But the good thing was we go and meet up with those from O1 and O2 to noe some more friends...then we ate at ex lor..i so poor.. :'(...
Then we went to play bball...(MY SUGGESTION de) hah....they are not so rough as the ny de...quit ok eith them was i cedric and lucas...then yuan ming and maruc joined..followed by some guys...bball was fun..but leh the aunti muz closed her bookshop muz return lor..chao sianz...then we slack around lor....after that they like went back to sch..or home..then i went for the record challenge meeting lor....
Damn, realise that this week and next week i will be super busy...this week have:
1)Record Challenge
2)PSLC workshop
3) Cedar Girls exchange program
4) phy and maths test
next week:
1)record challenge
the record challenge took my my next 2 weeks liao...aiyo..sian diao again...hah
signing off....
Monday, June 30, 2008
Busy, busy me!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Todae was quite interesting..tuition was first and boring. Then meet jon and zw at ps to discuss project. we chatted abt it for a while be4 proceeding to Jurong East to see some bball match. but leh, jon too hum ler, sae he go home would be late as my parent cannot fetch him home or near his hse.. so pangsei zw and me...
But leh..the match was nice arh...finally saw zhou kai in action. pro lar! but my sch still lost to cathalic high...but play for 2 quarters only..not full match. But the best part was at the back. Singapore's cagers versus Thailand. battle. damn good teamwork arh...muz learn from them...i muz train on my speed ler. watch till 9, then went home. zw and i went to the mrt then we separated to take different trains..on the way, we chatted on our own bball skills as well as zm,jon and cq....shall not sae wat we discuss abt...yr weakness or yr strength(if u have one,that is)...ok lar..i dont be so bad...shall tell u al abt my friends strength..., like tapping card liddat... lor..
cq..good defence...
thats wat we said lar....hah no offence to anyone..
signing off...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
aiyo...todae was chao happy lar.....found out that our maths test was postpone to nextweek, but thgis term, i have 5 maths test leh.. :( aiyo..damn sad too... :(
hah..niao-ing was usual, except new girls were added to the niao-ing and zm were the ones getting niao-ed..hah..
thats life again....i think the cedar girls are coming over next by ortus council ba...
nothing more to sae...
signing off..
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
yo dudes....hope that my tag board wont be dead....
anyway, todae was a damn funny day arh...
had height and weight test todae...chao sianz arh.....i so short and fat.. sob...height=1.68m...hah.. at least taller then zw....weight, u can ask me on msn.
then eng lesson, damn funny arh....we (zw, zm,jon,cq and me) were supposed to research on some leaders lar, but we digress and instead went to zw's blog to access the link..hah...niao zm and zw abt ping ting and jia yuin...saw all their photos lar...(shall not comment on it here, ask me on msn if u really wanna noe)...damn funny lor..the way we niao them...hah..
niao-ing goes on lor....all the way, and laughter could be heard as well...
thats life for me in sch...
signing off..
Monday, June 23, 2008
First day
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bball..tired liao
wa...last day of holiday ler ppl...its time to start our "engines" again...preparing for the new term...(very sianz leh) aiyo....
ok lar...todae went to play bball with my cousin lor....then jon came and join....aiyo...he arh..come donwan play liddat...he sae he dont feel like sweating...wth? nvm him..then play for a while he went home to mug liao...hah...the best part is after he went home...
Me and my cousin's friend with 2 other pro guys played with other cousin's friend chao pro team de leh..then is we bai zhan bai sheng, keep on winning every match we played...thanks to the other 3 members...i was juz slacking around, scoring some, of course..the players are damn fast pro...zhou kai, u should really play with till 7 plus..then tired liao. so went home lor...
sianz arh, school reopening ler, have to see all those teacher again...and that class of mine....aiyo..nothing to sae ler.
signing off...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Kunfu Panda! haiya!
Yesterday was fun! went to watch Kunfu Panda with my cousin...quite funny arh...Po was a expert in kunfu arh....damn funny, I was like laughing all the way arh...
still remember one lame phrase from the movie: "there is only news, there are no such thing as good or bad" said the master "Tai lang is coming..."said the disciple ..then the master said, "oh thats bad news" lame rite.....haha
then there was once Po face was freaking funny becoz the acupunture needle accidently hit his facial expression...funny facial expression....damn funny arh.....
should go watch it ppl.....freaking funny...
signing off....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Got this from ShuSHan's blog...had to do it...coz i was
remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question
then tag 8 people in your list, list them out in the end of this post.
Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged.
Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.
Q1: Do you like your present school?
Ok lar...juz that i hope that they dont niao me like mad....
Q2: What do you want the most now?
I want time to go back, so that June holidays will start again, and SLC would repeat!
Q3: Who is the closest person to you in your school?
lol...i dont think got closest leh, but should be jon, zw and zm ba
Q4: Do you hate your friends sometimes?
One and only 1! damn it i hate him...but should I still treat him as a friend?
Q5: What is your goal this year?
Achieve good result lar...
Q6. Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with?
MySElf lor, and of course my love ones....
Q7: What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Friendship, kinship, ties...hah..and com, phone etc ...
Q8: Do you find life meaningless?
NO LAR..LIFE IS GREAT with yr loved ones around.
Q9: Who do you live for?
MYSELF and my loved ones.
Q10: Who do you talk most to in school?
Jon, zw, zm lor.....but i still talk to everyone!
Q11: What are you listening to now?
Q12: DO u believe true friendship exists? EYA (HAHAHAH)
I believe it to a certain extent...and pls i dont want to EYA..this not essay leh..
Q13: If you are lying on your death bed now, who do you wish to be right by your side?
Dont curse me leh....but nevertheless, i wan my love ones to be right by my side...especially the one i loved most...
Q14: What's the funniest joke you've heard so far?
HMM...heard of many jokes leh...forget some liao..hah..
Tag 8 people!
1. Jonathan
2. Joven
3. Nelson
4. NIgel
5. Nicolette
6. Janier
7. Hemelia
8. Zhen wei
note that this is in no order......juz randomly....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Hah...had a quite a fun day todae....
Actually, we( me, jonathan and zhen wei) were supposed to discuss our project de, since they "pangseh" me to meet our mentor i have to explain the concept to them lor, quite complicated. :p After some time, finally they got the message, and then it was copying hw and jon were copying my hw lor..(but hor i not a mugger) i only copy zw's some question in physic dota..
We were like talking abt gfs and niao-ing usual lar... but wat to do? friends mah..
thanks arh zw, for treating me to bubble tea! alikato cosignimas(in japan) (srry arh, i dont noe hot to spell it) Lets go out some time anyone?
ppl, holidays are abt to end ler, wat "meaningful" stuff have u all done? 4 more days and counting.....
how i wish i can manipulate time. I would freeze time or even turn back the clock, where the holidays juz started...then SLC would come again...haha...wishful thinging hor? :p
signing off...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
BACK from camp..
I apologise if u are disappointed abt the fact that i did not blog abt anything for the past few days...
So, i am back from a Mid Year Review camp lar...council stuff. It was quite fun lar....In the morning, we had bio lesson, which was boring... then for the camp we had some activities, then some talks and review abt past events that we did in this year lor..hah..then got mini-street soccer competition. My team lost 1, tied 1, win 1 hah....coz got 2 player who was not that good in it, ok lar, i am not saying that i am pro either.....but leh chen xu cam and sub 1 player, then we start to own liao..hah...
best part was at nite lar....we had this nite food trail thing, where we go to different places to try and eat some nice and recommended food, of course we share the food lar... :p It was nice sharing and talking....there were of course forfeits lar....shall tell u abt mine later....then we "ate" till 11 plus liddat..then went back to school...did some debrief and forfeits be4 going to sleep....hate sleeping on the floor...and i really enjoy sleeping on my bed comfortable.. :p
The 2nd day, which is todae, we did some talks....then the fun part is that Mr Sim, our consortium director gave us $500 for us to spend becoz he wants to reward us for helping during founder's day...thats a good thing being a councilor! hah! we had Pizza for lunch, then went to amk hub to watch movie that movie the 2nd time...oh well, but it was fun! everything was paid liao. (THANK YOU, MR SIM!)..then went home lor..
oh forfeit was to shout " mummy! its over!" after the movie ended, it was embarrassing, hah...
see ya..
signing off...
Friday, June 13, 2008
To SLC (Parmenia) ppl
SLC-Parmenia ppl, pls check Janier's Blog! Our photo's are uploaded!
and janier, wat evidence? :p
Btw, yesterday, went to watch the incredible hulk with my cousin....quite okay lar. Shall not reveal the storyline too much, but here goes...
THe hulk, he wants to get rid of the thing inside him, but is under pursue by the General, who wants to make it into a weapon, thus he employs a russian elite soldier, who turn out to be bloodthirsty for a "hulk" fight. His genes got mutated(i shall not sae how) and in the end, hulk has to appear again, and fight a death match...guess who wins? lol.... quite okay lar....
Still hoping to go out with parmenia...ppl remember the surprise we are going to give!
today went to meet Mrs Khoo alone...(jon and zw, thanks for pangseh-ing me) coz jon has cca which he dont want to pon, and zw suddenly have npcc comp...wa lao eh. anyway, the project has a new twist ler....more challenging and its quite hard for me to explain, but i will try to. MOre challenging means more potential mah...
now sian diao liao, nothing to do now... :p
signing off....
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Who are u?
i am still wondering who is "slc<3" lor......pls tell me who u r..i noe u are a senior from 13th slc mah....but juz add me on msn can?
btw....we not going out ler....*sigh* coz very little ppl going...and i feel quite sian abt it....even janier feels the same......feeling bored now....really want to go to my cousins hse ironic....but thats life.....
signing off.....
Friday, June 6, 2008
hah..went to watch "Chronicles of Narnia; Prince Caspian"...hah....the show was quite nice lar....teaches us that we should have the courage to fight for wat is right and we shouldnt give up on our hopes easily.....and also we should fight for wat we believe....and should not give it up..ya.......
talking to my cousin was to talk abt anything under the was really nice....i sound lame......anyway...watching movie is certainly quite fun! hah....!
signing off....
yesterdae went to my cousin hse lor.....hah...played maple on a different long nvr play ler lor.....wa this server damn qiang arh....fighting 1 monster is equivalent to getting 100 times more exp....then the stats all so imba....hah.....can go 2nd job within 15 mins...3rd within 1/2 hr....hah....damn pro arh.....
anyway its already the end of the 2nd week......muz enjoy the june holidays while i can! looking forward to 9 june....seriously hope that everyone can go lor.... :p.....
signing off...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Thanks mom and dad! yay! my parents bought me a crumpler bag!!! woots.....hah.......woots..parents are the best!! thats was the best present i have ever received! u, mom and dad!
signing off....
feeling good! I feel good *music*
wow....i feel much better...after a good nite sleep.....ol...dunnoe y i yesterdae so sad liddat.....but anyway...yea..i muz listen to all those who ask me to cheer up....i muz be more optimistic lor.....hah......but srry arh(to nelson, cx,alf, joven) i cant go and play badminton with u time bah..i will go....promise! :p
and thank you to those who tried to cheer me up.....unlike some of my friends *hints at some of my classmates * who still make some sarcastic remarks.......anyway...i am glad to noe that at least i have some who are reliable...hah....
signing off.....
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Feeling cold......didnt get a good nite sleep yesterday....thinking abt stuff...yea.....then todae had to wake up early to play bball with ys and shawn.......hah. my bball skills didnt "deprove" even though i didnt play 4 1 week ler.....hah.....(not zi kua) haha..
feeling sleepy and tired......i tried taking a nap juz now, but i seriously couldnt sleep, dunnoe y...juz 'toss' around....and juz decided to blog.......
and pls dont dao doesn't feel good......i feel makes me wonder if u really wan to ignore me.........i feel sick....and sad......y? i start to question myself.....optimistic should be the word that describe me....but now, its gone.....y? i wonder.................
i seriously cant take it anymore........i cried but to no one will ever noe....becoz its all hidden within my heart.....i cant take it....i cant.....i really nid to 'straighten' my feelings and thoughts.....really......i juz want to cry and let it all out, but tears wouldnt come heart is cold......i cant get it warm again, can I? emptiness fil my heart......i juz dunnoe y?
someone pls help me from this misery.... :(
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sunday Fun!

then Kristin and Dennis cme to join us for dinner....hah.....we were like teasing them, and Sharvin and I were like saying we spot a couple......coz she told me that she was meeting someone....and that someone happens to be nan gua n(v)...hah......then some more teasing.....we went to pastamania to eat lor....damn ex......sianz.....good times really past so fast, then we all go back liao lor......
wondering when will we go out again.... i look up..the sky looks peaceful......the moon glowing brightly, i wonder.....when?....when will this happen again?
back to studying......i tell myself......fear gripped me.......ensure abt the future........but at least i noe that our friendship will last....with that..i smiled......finally...... (i sound abit lame rite?)
signing off...anyway...todae was fun!!! thanks for everything!!!