Wow... i managed to "survive" the first term in CSE. Although my MSG is a little screw but at least i successfully go through the first term of CSE. ( For those who don't noe wat CSE means, it stands for Centre for scholastic excellence, or in other words, those in CSE will have special programs like SMTP or HP etc) Nvm..its the first term so have to jiayou for the other terms liao..
Anyway shall talk about my sabbactical. Today was juz presentation from all the groups. I think my group did quite well despite the fact that we ony had 3 ppl in our group as compared to others which had 4 ppl. So this is what my team did on the GC (graphing Calculator) we use equations to form curves and lines and finally come up with this drawing. The spider is actually a design for the hat.
Nice rite? then presented on our website. In the end we got 4 ace points! The teacher said that our is the best batch as we produced very good presentation and GC design and the microsoft excel applet. If you want to see our website and our microsoft excel applet tell me. Then our sabbactical end at around 10.30am...then play basketball...

Our school's A level result was fantastic! It was like damn pro... 63 ppl got perfect score for 12 subjects 3 Hwa Chong
students scored 9 Distinctions (12 AUs), with an impressive 60
students scoring 8 Distinctions (12 AUs) and 143 students achieving
7 Distinctions.. Anyway my principal said that in term 2 there wil be one day which we will celebrate, which means "half day"!!!! Looking forward to it...
students scored 9 Distinctions (12 AUs), with an impressive 60
students scoring 8 Distinctions (12 AUs) and 143 students achieving
7 Distinctions.. Anyway my principal said that in term 2 there wil be one day which we will celebrate, which means "half day"!!!! Looking forward to it...
signing off......
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