You Are 65% Left Brained, 35% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
The photo of the soft toy!
Todae was fun..went to St.Nicks it was extremely hot ( i mean the weather not anything else...) Went with jonathan and his friends to play some games.. At first joven ask me to help her and her friends to win some soft toys coz it requires you to try to shoot the golf ball..and i am in air rifle so. but leh the 'bullet' of the gun would curve and not go straight, it is like there's not enough air inside... sadly i didnt hit the golf ball...srry arh...
Then of course tried to play some games...the first was throwing darts...I was like given only 1 shot when i paid $5 for i hit a balloon....guess wat i receive..a small handbag...OMG i was like stunned...then i took it lor..but then one old lady in her fifties wanted to buy the hand i sold it to her for $5...damn lucky got buyer...haha...then use that $5 to play another game, which i had to hit down all the cans with only 3 shot... WOw i hit all that down and won a soft was a dog... then the rest on food and drinks....actually i only spent $10..not so much compare to others who can spent $50 or more... then before i went to jon's house to do project..i went to give joven my dog lor..(To other ppl: pls dont think is juz giving a present to a friend) Moreover, i didnt get the toy she and her friends wanted during the shooting thing and they paid money for it and i felt a bad abt it..they spent money but didnt win coz i fail to shoot thats one of the reason y i gave it to her...)
Then reach jon's house...we did some work and then dota.. i tried playing with AI+insane but got killed when i was lvl 7..the opponent abt that lvl too..sianz then let zhen wei show me the real power of later on play..i was learning how to play dota more 'pro-ly' haha..then went to eat dinner with my family...
signing off....
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
it was fun... I have no school todae coz we were celebrating the A level went with Zhi ming, zhen wei, jonathan, chunqi, nelson, and . It was fun we play dota. The team that i am in won the first round and the third round. But it was a different team coz we shuffle players. I like the last round..I ,zhen wei, and jonathan versus the rest we were like owning..thanks to zhenwei and jon...i was using Gondar, zhen wei was using razor, jon was using venomancer. we pawned their ass...oops...It was fun anyway. then went to eat mcdonald and then go home sianz....tmr have sch and there is like lots of project....Project's day, CHAOS competition etc..
signing off...
oi ya do take my test..thanks...
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sianz....sick had a mild fever last night....todae my temperature was okay anout 37.0 but at around 4 it jump up to abt 37.7..sianz rushed home quick and took a wake up liao..and i think i did sweat when i sleep so I hope that my temperature would remain abt 37.0.. sick....
Back to resting....
signing off..
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wow..todae was fun! First went for tuition... -.- that was boring but the fun part is after that...went with mi cousin and jonathan to play lan. First was mi and jonathan versus my other 2 cousin, and of course we won...I was using Lich, jon was using drow ranger...then after that We invited Joven to come and watch movie with us. We watched "Vantage Point"...
It was quite nice...basically this only shows one scene which was the assassination of the 'president' of 'USA'. It shows the different points of view.
1st-the TV crew
2nd- agent grant(not too sure abt his name)
3rd-a guy who was a policeman but assist in the assassination but end up knew that he was tricked in doing so..
4th-the guy with the video camera and saves the girl from a speeding ambulance..
5th-the president
6th- the terrorist group.
Wow they were so high-tech....the terrorists manage to trick the intelligent system of USA. and they knew the president on stage was juz a fake one and they sent this pro assassin to capture the real president..which of course he was forced to. Anyway agent grant..shall not sae wat happen in the end :)
I shall not spoil the should go watch it!
signing off.....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Founder's day..
Today damn out in the prize ceremony on founder's day...It was at Cheng Yi auditorium at the college side..i was wearing a blazer along with the council shuai..juz joking....then set up the registration booth and prepare the HCI book and the programme booklet. Then parents started to come liao....and finally the VIPs and the G.O.H.....Then the program started and I camp outside the audi and sometimes i do rush in the audi to enjoy the air-con. It was damn hot lar.....and I was damn hungry coz we can eat only after the VIPs left the sian arh..its like the whole ortus council went to help in this event and i repeat this event is organised by the ortus council alone...haha...after the event the VIPs went out and eat the buffet reserved for them...then i have to help carry the souvenir. I was like damn stressed coz they were like eating and i was standing at one side watching them eat while holding on to the souvenir. I was afraid i would accidentally drop the thing and gg...i would be dead but luckily nothing much happen...haha..then carry the thing for the VIP all the way to his car. Wow, i think it was the D.P who praised me for being such a good 'usher' i noe that was a bit lame.
Finally the whole event was over....kudos to ortus council! lol....the good news is that our DC, Mr Sim, donated $500 to our council fund so that WE CAN HAVE A GOOD FEAST! YaY! That is indeed a very good encouragement...
haha so happy about that meal.....yay..council rocks..
signing off...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Todae went to the BMW thing where they uses hydrogen instead of oil to fuel the car. It was like damn nice and cool...anyway we slack from 8.40 all the way to sianz then chiong to poolside and buy nuggets some snacks to eat before the next class which starts at 11.20am...which was like abt 800m the science block...but anyway it was fun slacking for 2hr25 min...then had lesson at the lab for like 11.20 to 12.40, then lunch, then at the lab again from 1.20 to 4pm....sian lar... btw these photo are taken when i am at the workshop i was talking about .....
Sunday, March 16, 2008
*sign* my handphone spoil liao....sent for sianz.....
To jonathan:
I think you have to take the worksheet tmr liao lor....and u really pissed me off juz now lor.....and on yr msn message about the "If things are bad...", u took it from me all i have to sae to u now...anyway no offence...dude....
signing off....
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Last day...
SO sianz liao lor.....sch going to reopen liao...sianz i didn't felt like I was having a school holiday..anyway todae is the last day of that workshop sianz I wish that was my class in school lor..that would make class more interesting instead of juz boys who are muggers with no jokers around to make ppl laugh...*sign* thats life here in HCI...
anyway, todae got everyone's contact and jonathan (this is jonathan seng not the voon) recorded everyone's msn add and he said that he will type it into microsoft word and sent it to everyone. Todae went to the bird park...then got this guy who introduce to us some birds like periguin falcan (not too sure if it is spelt this way), hawks etc. then I volunteer for one 'show' which i have to carry the hawk on my left hand and the hawk will fly from my hand to someone's hand and then return to my hand again..wah...when the hawk flap its wings, it was like generating wind lor..damn cooling...then went to this hospital for the sick birds which was out of bound to normal visitors as the birds need a quiet spot to rest. Then in the hospital saw this damn cute owl was like in this mini room with red lights instead of the normal light we get at home, so it was inside the room with nothing else. Its face was very round and its eyes were damn big and he was like looking around the room like a fascinated young was okay at first....but he was still doing it even though 30 min has juz past cute lor..but leh good times went by so was time to go back to the E2I at redhill for somemore activities...be4 we go we took a group photo...
then reach e2i, learn more about being a tour guide by doing some practices. i dunnoe why dennis started teasing me abt this girl the i like but in fact i don't(shall not name her anyway), then leh rumors spread fast, everyone knew abt it...and fairoza, shermaine, dennis, quan kai and priscilla started niao-ing me lor......damn sian lor.....anyway...the whole thing was fun..with many new friends and the class was very interesting...I Like it! Hope there's next time ba....hope to see you 'guys' again.....bye...
signing off......
Friday, March 14, 2008
Todae was a damn tiring day......todae the teacher showed us an example of being a tour guide by bringing us all around Singapore, like the botanic garden, chinatown, little India etc. So we were like the tourist lor.....quite fun lar, went sight seeing...first we went to this temple and so see the structure etc...then got this girl, Rachel ask "y got water on the roof top when its not raining?" then Dennis went to trick her say "Its holy water..monks would consistently spray this holy water up there" then together I and Quan Kai continue to trick her by saying "yar its true" then she was like believing it gullible rite? Then her friend told her that it was juz the rain got more ppl's msn add....yay..more friends liao lor....
the trip was fun at first....but hor it was damn boring at the end lor...went to Singapore River...and then Dennis pointed out that there was the "condom" on the river is obscene lor.......*sign* tmr last day of this workshop liao....i like this class funny and ppl there are so nice lor.... anyway thats life for you....good times always pass in a
signing off.....
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Back from camp and a tiring workshop.... tired todae....4.45pm reach sch, then help sherwin take care of his group for 1hr coz he went for training...So fun seeing them play games and the loser team had to do a that sherwin came..then can slack liao...then dinner, after that had some senior talk by wei leong, bertrand and jia was like so stuffy and hot coz they switch off the main switch , thus the air-con could not be turned on...This wasn't the fun part....the fun part is the nite activities..."SOLO NITE"...the participants will have to do this solo walk to the different stations on their own and then at the last station, they wil be told their solo nite spot..and of course they wil be the station I/C for the solo nite spot...I was station at the staircase behind Kah Kee Hall..u noe the scout room....OMG it was damn creepy lar.... there is this funeral song on the white board and there are some gruesome drawings.....After placing all the participants at their station, then I slack at Cedric's station, along with Timonthy and Damian...then we were like watching this guy in his solo nite spot...then 2 min later, this guy suddenly vanish...he didn't scream nor shout...he juz went missing...
Then told Mr. Toh and the whole Council had to search for him.....thus the solo nite was cut short. it should end at 12am..but leh at 11.30 we call all the participants back...then the whole ortus council went to search for him....but to no avail....then's the funny part....
Mr toh, came to LT3 together with the missing boy, then leh we realise that this whole thing was on purpose....Mr Toh wanted to see how we reacted to this kind of situation...and suprisingly, he praised us...and of course Zhou Kai..coz he was the OS and he remain calm and did not blame remember this phrases Wei Leong shared:
"If the result is bad, I did it"
"If the result is fair, We did it"
"If the result is good, They did it"
I hope u all noe wat this phrase means.....
then slept at 3am and wake up at 7.30am to attend this workshop todae......
It was fun met new friends again......It was about hosting skills and how to treat yr guest properly. We had this excercise where you had to bring your class which is yr guest and introduce that area and pretend that it is yr sch....I presented on the Clock Tower and the track & Field....wa..the teacher said that my speech was not attracted everyone's attention lor....Then my teacher said that I had an "expensive" ya..u noe mi class only had 4 boys and like 12 I damn tired liao...gtg......
signing off......
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Now having mixed feelings about the camp later....helping out in the solo only can sleep at about 2 leh..and have to wake up at 7am..which is juz 5 hrs away..I bet solo nite will be quite fun...seeing all those CIT (Counsellor in Training) looking damn scared..haha lol..while i hide myself and make sure that they are okay lor...sianz....muz i really stay over nite???
bye anyway...going for the camp liao....
signing off.....
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
After a long wait..yes..its the MArch Holidays. But hor..i have so much activities this week, so this week is not holiday for me..
Todae wake up so early, juz for Chemistry remedials, from 9 to 11pm. Then leh, jon pon the rememdial coz he have some String Orchestra Camp in sch. then during lessons, saw him playing outside my u come niao us arh?!
After that I went to mi mum's working place.( She's a childcare teacher...) so went there and help out with their activities, which they have to come up with a presentation using large sheets of paper and they have to design and think about the contents. Help out with that and then during presentation time, i help this group and presented lots of stuff....haha.. I think my group win liao...coz i am the only sec 3 there..the rest are primary school got to noe more friends..then got this girl wanting to 'disturb' me, keep on trying to take photo of me and wanted to name the photo as "DOG FACE" i really look like one?...then after a few hrs, then go home liao...overall its was quite fun lar....
Anyway, i din't think i can post for these feew days coz I may be quite lets see how first.....
signing off.....
Friday, March 7, 2008
YaY! End of first term!

students scored 9 Distinctions (12 AUs), with an impressive 60
students scoring 8 Distinctions (12 AUs) and 143 students achieving
7 Distinctions.. Anyway my principal said that in term 2 there wil be one day which we will celebrate, which means "half day"!!!! Looking forward to it...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Todae was fine....its juz that jonathan was so lame...he went to his own blog, then tag as me...saying that I was 160th position for the mass run...although that is certainly true but its juz not moral for him to do that lor...
anyway, todae was slack, it ws juz group discussion. my group only had 3 ppl, so we are at an disadvantage as other group has 4 members...So therefore i volunteer to solo doing the excel applet while Chen Xu was trying to draw our design on the GC. The other guy arh..dunnoe wat he do leh...we didn't manage to finish wat we were trying to do..but at least we completed like half of it. Nvm..there's still tmr to do it.....
signing off.....
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Todae was better..had more challenging stuff to do. Finally, i manage to 'operate' a graphic Calculator...manage to create my own drawings etc...It was fun..especially seeing my drawing of a fish with a super fat body but a small tail...It was fun....but after that have to attend some workshop about Project's dae.It was like a total waste of time..okay lar..."learn something new"..
Then reach SMB and found out that I took 14 min to complete that mass jog...*sign* so slow rite? u noe one of the competitive participant took 10min++ to complete the race....I'm so slow......muz try to run more liao....
signing off.....
Monday, March 3, 2008
Todae very slack..coz sabbactical sabbactical was "IT Mathematics"...i'm not very good at IT..dunnoe y join this..maybe its because of math's ace...anyway our sabbactical ended at 12.30pm..moreover we had 1hr break. but hor..when we played soccer, it started to rain....then after our break, it stop....basically we were juz learning how to plot graphs etc..slacking in the com lab...Then after the sabbactical end...we went to play soccer again..then after a started to rain AGAIN.... then give up liao, went home with jon. Then meet liqin at the bustop at NYGS. Found out that she got a scholarship from Youth Science Defence Scholarship arh..sianz..i think i did not get the scholarship....congratz anyway..
Now slacking dunnoe wat to do......*sign*....
signing off.....
Sunday, March 2, 2008
There wasn't much anything to sae todae....except for the show on channel 5..."The Chronicles of Riddick"...quite nice....action packed....He is very smart and a good killer...However..he is a furion, haunted down by the necrolites(i think thats how it is spelled)..They are hunting him down...
Riddick saw their army and he said.."1 commander, 5captains..and a whole lot of fire power" gg liao arh....evil are always so powerful de..... dunnoe y....
But its 1 against all..can he survive? you should watch....its going to end soon....gtg watch it liao bb..
signing off...